Paige Returning to SmackDown Tonight?

Nothing can rejuvenate a WWE Superstar like a booming return to television after a long absence. [...]

Nothing can rejuvenate a WWE Superstar like a booming return to television after a long absence. After being out of the company for a year, it looks like Paige is finally ready to come back. And all signs point her prodigal return happening tonight at SmackDown.

According to PWInsider Paige is believed to be scheduled for WWE's European tour. Seeing that tonight's SmackDown is not only the final televised show of the tour but also airing from Paige's home country of England, it makes too much sense for her to have a big homecoming tonight.

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This new information ties in nicely with a recent narrative. Last week, Paige's fiance, Alberto Del Rio, hinted that she would be back in WWE within "days." That came on top of that fact that WWE intends using her on Tuesday nights. Even more, rumors have surfaced that WWE has "plans" in place for a Paige-centric storyline - which could easily be her getting named to Team SmackDown for Survivor Series.

While there has been no confirmation on her return, adding up all of these little pieces creates a logical conclusion: Paige is coming to SmackDown tonight.

And if that weren't enough, Paige put out a tweet that indicated she was boarding a plane. While she could be going anywhere, we can't keep our imaginations from immediately confirming that she's heading to Manchester.

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Her imminent return, particularly if it happens in her home country, is going to be met with elation. As soon as she sets foot in the ring, she will instantly become SmackDown's most interesting female talent. There's no denying that Paige is an exceptional WWE Superstar, but in her year away from WWE, she's been building quite the backstory.

In the calendar year of absence, Paige has battled surgery, suspension, and a multitude of scandals. To say the least, 2016-2017 has been a tumultuous time for the young grappler. Her ups and downs have likely collected a wave of goodwill that is going to explode the moment her music hits.

This will be fun.