James Ellsworth Costs Dean Ambrose The WWE Championship

He’s still the champ that runs the camp, but at WWE TLC, AJ Styles got an assist from one of [...]

He's still the champ that runs the camp, but at WWE TLC, AJ Styles got an assist from one of the WWE's most unlikely campers. The 19th TLC match in WWE history was an absolute classic! In a match that saw the champion and challenger lay everything on the line, it was James Ellsworth that ended up being the deciding factor when he pushed Dean Ambrose off a ladder to allow AJ to retain.

The bout featured many memorable spots, including the Lunatic Fringe connecting with an elbow drop from a 16 foot ladder through the WWE announce table, and AJ connecting with a 450 splash to send himself and Dean crashing through a ringside table.

It was after the 450 splash that Ellsworth appeared; seemingly to exact some revenge on the man who had just sent him to the hospital only days ago. With the WWE World championship hanging high above the ring, the neckbraced Ellsworth encouraged Ambrose to climb the ladder, only to then push it over and send Dean crashing through two outside tables.

A confused AJ then entered the ring and reclaimed his WWE championship while James cheered from the outside.

James explained his actions after the event on Talking Smack when he told Daniel Bryan and Renee Young that he pushed Dean Ambrose off the ladder because he wanted AJ Styles to be the champion when he cashed in his title shot.

Ellsworth then announced that he would get his championship match with AJ this Tuesday night on Smackdown LIVE.

What did you think of James Ellsworth involvement in the WWE TLC main event?