Dean Ambrose Continues Work Toward WWE Return

The pending return of Dean Ambrose to WWE active competition is among the most highly anticipated [...]

The pending return of Dean Ambrose to WWE active competition is among the most highly anticipated among WWE fans.

The former member of the Shield is diligently working at returning from his triceps tear earlier than expected. According to a report from PWInsider, Ambrose was spotted working out at the WWE Performance Center in Orlando several days this past week, causing many to wonder if we will see him back sooner than anticipated.

It's not known whether Ambrose was strictly rehabbing the triceps injury or actually working out in a wrestling ring at the Performance Center, but it was confirmed that he was indeed at the WWE facility.

Ambrose was originally expected to miss nine months of action when he injured his triceps this past December. That would put his return sometime in September, immediately following SummerSlam. That said, with the second biggest show of the year (SummerSlam) just weeks before that projected in-ring return date, there's no doubt Ambrose is going to do everything in his power to return earlier than expected.

During April and May, it was reported that Ambrose was living in Birmingham, Alabama full time to tackle his rehab as thoroughly as possible, giving him the best odds at an earlier return.

While numerous wrestling sites reported so-called exclusive stories this week that plans are for Ambrose to return as a heel, that has been the case for many months. In fact, an Ambrose return as a heel has been thoroughly covered by many websites (including Pop Culture) for several months.

The reformation of the Shield last fall was always set to play out into an Ambrose heel turn and feud with Seth Rollins (and/or Roman Reigns). A feud with Rollins still seems to be the most likely scenario upon Ambrose's return. The question will remain whether that will be for the Intercontinental title (currently in Rollins' possession) or possibly the Universal title with Rollins set as one of the favorites not-named Roman Reigns to take the belt from Lesnar.

Ambrose has always excelled more-so as a heel than as a babyface character. Over the last several years, his persona lost considerable credibility as he was often portrayed as a goofy babyface rather than as a demonic, crazy-eyed heel. The money has always been in Ambrose as a heel, given his style in the ring and on the microphone.

Just a few weeks ago, Ambrose was spotted attending the Stanley Cup Finals sporting a slightly different look. Fans noted a different hair and beard style when he was shown on the big screen at the game, wondering if this could be part of his makeover for his pending WWE return.

While WWE is sticking to that original prognosis of nine months out of action, we are putting our money on Ambrose making a return sooner than expected.