Sunday’s new episode of Tracker will see Reenie Greene getting involved in a case, and Fiona Rene spoke to all about it. In “Noble Rot,” Reenie talks Colter into taking a case involving a woman missing from a high-end wellness retreat in Napa designed for CEOs. Since Reenie is mostly working behind-the-scenes with Colter and with her other clients, this will be a bit different for her since she’s going to be right in the middle of everything. She told PopCulture what to expect and what it’s been like digging into a new side of Reenie. Take a look at what she had to say. (Interview has been edited for length and clarity).
PopCulture: What can you preview for Sunday’s episode of Tracker?
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Fiona Rene: Oh my gosh. I’m so excited. It’s Reenie. What I can say is that I love more and more as I get to know her. She’s so sly. I feel like we see a side to her this time where we always knew that she was willing to get her hands a little dirty, but this time, it’s like she can look boss. She’s really willing to get down and dirty with them and try and figure it out on the case on behalf of Colter. She cares so much.

PC: Going off of that, what was it like getting to focus more on her and digging deeper into her character?
Rene: I just feel really, really grateful. Justin [Hartley]’s our star, and we really need to learn more about Colter’s family and what’s going on with that, but to be able to dig a little bit into Reenie and to see the kind of lifestyle that she’s living right now, now that she started her own firm and the kind of clientele that she has to juggle and put ourselves in these situations. I don’t think she would ever go to that kind of CEO retreat. She’s boss, she ain’t snobby. So I feel like we’re getting to see her just put her shoes in kind of anything, and I’m really grateful for it, honestly. I’m so excited to see it.
PC: I’m assuming fans will be seeing a different side of her, so she’ll be right in the action. How was it filming that?
Rene: It was beautiful. Filming in wine country. Like, are you kidding me? And I didn’t drink wine until that episode. Now I’m a wino. I never liked wine before, but it was honestly stunning. I can’t wait for audiences to see the actual terrain that we shot in. It was hot. And it was windy. It was windy as hell. But it was beautiful, and it was just such a stunning place to shoot.
PC: What were you most excited about with the episode? Either with filming or the storyline?
Rene: Well, you’ll have to see, but what I can say is that I was excited for Reenie to have to juggle some dynamics of certain people meeting each other. That’s what I would say. Tune in to find out who.

PC: Following this episode, would you want to see her get in the middle of the action more frequently or is she more so usually working behind the scenes and helping Colter off to the side and helping other clients?
Rene: I think it’s a bit of both.I think, in general, Reenie is a juggler, and I mean, I look up to her. She’s my inspiration for life. There’s nothing Reenie can’t do. “What Would Reenie Do?” is my new bracelet that I’m wearing every night to remind myself to be a boss b—-. But I think it’s a bit of both. I think that she can get her hands dirty. I would love to see Reenie in the shooting range. She might have been there already practicing just in case she’s got to save Colter’s ass one day. But then also, you know, she’s in the courtroom.
She’s in law offices, and she’s having meetings. And so I think there are times where if it’s necessary for her to get her hands dirty, she will. And in the meantime, she’s gonna help her friends. She’s gonna help her clients. She’s gonna get a lot of the behind-the-scenes work done so that when Colter shows up, he isn’t screwed.
PC: Also in the episode, Michael Rady guest-starred. What was it like working with him?
Rene: I love Michael Rady with everything in my body. He’s the epiphany of gentlemen. He’s a father of four, a husband. He’s got a farm with a whole bunch of animals. Like, this guy is just the epitome of a perfect man.He is so wonderful and he was so easy to work with and so kind and generous with his time. It was a dream. It was an absolute dream. And Justin’s known Michael for years. So when Justin was like, “Hey,I think my friend’s gonna come on.” I was like, “Oh, I can’t wait.” And we spent a night, and we all got dinner together and hung out, and it was just a dream.
A new episode of Tracker premieres this Sunday, Nov. 3 at 8 p.m. ET on CBS.