'Supernatural' Fans Want Netflix to Save 'Wayward Sisters' Spinoff Series

An online petition has been steadily gaining signatures for several months now, begging Netflix [...]

An online petition has been steadily gaining signatures for several months now, begging Netflix and The CW to save the Supernatural spin-off series Wayward Sisters.

Wayward Sisters was intended to branch off from The CW's long-running drama Supernatural this year. Back in January, the show got a "backdoor pilot" through a Supernatural episode introducing all of its characters and concepts. The CW has had a lot of success with this practice — adding DC superhero spin-offs with backdoor pilots several years in a row. However, somewhere between this in-universe introduction and the premiere, things fell apart.

Robert Berens and Andrew Dabb, the writers developing the show, announced the sudden change of plans on Twitter. Neither gave a clear reason for the cancellation, but both seemed to imply that things with the network got combative.

"It breaks my heart to say this, but CW has chosen to pass on Wayward Sisters," Dabb wrote. " We love these characters, and have spent almost two years trying to make this show a reality on the network... but there are some fights, sometimes, you can't win."

For many fans, that could not be the end. A petition soon cropped up on Change.org, started by user Georgia Heapy. It called on fans to let The CW, Netflix and Warner Brothers know that there was still a market for the series. The petition is still going strong, over four months after it was published. At the time of this writing, several new signatures have been added within the last few hours. In total, over 83,000 people have signed, and the red line is creeping closer and closer to its 150,000 goal.

"This show wasn't just a TV show to many people, it was inspiration," Heapy wrote. "Six strong female characters of different ages, backgrounds and ethnicities, who [wouldn't] want that? These women are role models to so many people."

"This petition has been created to try and get networks to pick this show up," Heapy continued. "So please, if you want to see this show on our screens, sign this petition."

The petition makes a lot of sense, especially with its appeal to Netflix. The streaming service has been collaborating with The CW more and more these days. It acquired the exclusive international broadcast rights to Riverdale, making the show a Netflix Original Series. Netflix and The CW have an exclusive arrangement, allowing many of their other series to go up online within days of their series finales. This mutually beneficial relationship keeps viewership alive, and fans hope it can do the same for Wayward Sisters.