Fresh off the series finale of The Big Bang Theory, series star Mayim Bialik shared with fans on her YouTube channel how she was feeling.
“It feels pretty weird! It feels like the job I’ve had for almost a decade is all of a sudden over and there are not other jobs to take its place because it was so unique,” Bialik began.
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“The relationships that we formed with each other won’t be formed again that same way, even if we work on other shows. It was a really special, unusual decade of my life that I got to spend with these people who wrote this show based on their own experiences and the things that they wish for their kids. And to work with a cast like I got to work with, it was just a really special time that can’t be re-created.”
She said Amy’s makeover, which was debuted in the finale, “was a big deal” and said she was excited to start the next chapter of her own life with short hair.
“Amy got a makeover and that’s a big deal! Amy finally had, I guess, her ugly duckling episode,” she said. “My hair is short, I love it.”
As for how the series ended, with Amy and Sheldon winning the Nobel Prize, she said she was pleased and hoped fans were, too.
“It was really amazing seeing a recreated Nobel Prize stage that we got to make our speeches from,” she explained. “It was an unbelievable way to end our series with all of us dressed up like we were going to the ball, and all of us spending a lot of concentrated time together — because those scenes are technically so different from the way we film in front of an audience.
“I think it’s a very gratifying way to end the show. I think fans probably have a lot of mixed emotions and we do too. But I think really kind of tying a bow and kind of completing this Nobel Prize loop, I hope, felt satisfying to people,” she said.
Bialik echoed the sentiments of her co-stars who have spoken about the emotional nature of filming the final episodes. “It’s been a really emotional last couple of weeks. Filming these last two episodes really felt like, ‘Oh this is the last time we’ll this,’ [and] ‘This is the last time we’ll that,’ and people think of us often like a family. Indeed, we are. We see each other more than we see our own families,” she said.
“It’s kind of like taking eight people who were all raised completely different, have totally different coping mechanisms, different ways of communicating, then you put them together and have this huge emotional thing happen and then see how they deal with it.
“Some of us grieve more in private. Some of us are more vocal about it. Some of us feel comfortable crying in front of other people and Some of us don’t. It was really interesting to see how all of our personalities came out through this process of saying goodbye,” she said.
“There’s a lot of gratitude. All of the hugs you see on social media, those are real. There are moments that we seven and we eight have shared together that are just for us and that’s really amazing. A lot of our funniest work comes from the stuff that you don’t even see. So it was a very interesting process of us all figuring out what works for us in this kind of grief and also ways that we can publicly come together.”
She added that “the handprint ceremony that we did… at the Chinese Theater [in Hollywood] was unbelievable and really felt like…it really sealed this presence that we have as a cast in Hollywood. It’s crazy.”
Bialik ended the five-minute video with text that read, “To my family at The Big Bang Theory and to all of you who were on this adventure with us- thank you! You will always have a place in my heart.”
Photo credit: Alberto E. Rodriguez / Stringer / Getty