Law & Order: Special Victims Unit star Mariska Hargitay is feeling the love from more than just fans after her knee injury. On Sunday, Hargitay showed off a gift she received from Joanne Baron, who appeared in a handful of SVU episodes. Hargitay broke her knee and ankle recently but assured fans she was never hospitalized. The injury also didn’t stop her from filming one more scene of Law & Order: Organized Crime with Christopher Meloni on Friday.
“Morning and happy spring! I’m having one thanks to my sweet sweet friend [Baron],” Hargitay wrote on Instagram, alongside a selfie with a huge bouquet of flowers. “Thank you for this bursting bouquet of beauty.” Baron played Counselor Diane Schwartz in four SVU episodes between 2013 and 2019. This year, she starred in the family comedy Tango Shalom.
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Hargitay concerned fans on Wednesday when she shared a photo of herself standing outside New York’s Hospital for Special Surgery, where she had an MRI. Her doctors discovered she recently suffered a “broken knee, a hairline fracture in [her] ankle, and a torn ligament.” Hargitay learned she did not need surgery and assured fans the injury did not happen on the set of Law & Order: SVU. On Thursday, Hargitay posted a video to thank fans for their support by “reading” the letter Det. Elliot Stabler (Meloni) gave Capt. Olivia Benson (Hargitay) in the Organized Crime premiere. However, she played a loud noise as she read the letter, so she did not spoil anything during her prank.
On Friday night, Hargitay shared another video from the Organized Crime production, which was shooting scenes at a hospital. She said she broke her knee two weeks ago and did not learn she broke it until she had an MRI. Hargitay said she is doing “great” and was wearing a “fantastic” brace. “I was never hospitalized and I think people didn’t know what happened, but I just don’t want anyone to worry about me and I’m fine,” she told fans before thanking them again and wishing them a “Happy Friday.”
Hargitay also shared a cool collection of photos of herself and Meloni posing for selfies at the hospital. “And that’s a wrap for me,” Hargitay wrote, alongside several funny hashtags, including, “you asked for a selfie” and “this is how we do it.” Meloni later posted one of the selfies on his own Instagram page.
SVU and Organized Crime only have two episodes left in their seasons, but both shows were renewed for next season. SVU airs at 9 p.m. ET on NBC, with Organized Crime following at 10 p.m. ET. Past episodes of both shows can be streamed on Hulu.