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‘Game of Thrones’ Recap With Spoilers: ‘Eastwatch’

The episode begins after the Loot Train Attack, where Jaime was defeated by Daenerys, Drogon, and […]

The episode begins after the Loot Train Attack, where Jaime was defeated by Daenerys, Drogon, and the Dothraki.

Jaime is alive, and it was Bronn who saved him from the water. Bronn asks Jaime why he would charge after Dany like that. Jaime said that he had to try and kill her, despite the fact that the dragon was also in his way. Bronn says Jaime doesn’t get to die until he gets what he is owed. Jaime says that he needs to tell Cersei what happened, as he looks across the lake at the burning battlefield.

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Tyrion walks over the ash that was left at the battle, looking around for his brother. Dothraki are looting the Lannister leftovers.

The remaining Lannister men are corralled to Daenerys and Drogon. She addresses them, saying that Cersei has lied to them. She gives them a choice. They can bend the knee to her or they can die. Drogon growls and many of the men drop to their knees, except for the Tarlys.

Randyll Tarly steps forward and says he already has a queen. Tyrion tries to reason with him, saying that he should reconsider. Randyll tells off both Tyrion and Daenerys. Dothraki men then approach Randyll to take him away, and Dickon says he won’t go alone. He says that he stands with his father, despite what everyone is telling him.

Dany sentences them to die and Drogon burns them alive.

At King’s Landing

Jaime marches through the halls to Cersei and she knows of the defeat already. She says they can buy mercenaries with the money they have. Jaime says that the Dothrakiย will kill any army that they can muster. He also tells her about the dragons and says that the war is one that they can’t win.

Cersie hopes they can sway Tyrionย to helping them. Jaime tells Cerseiย that Tyrionย didn’t kill Joffrey. He reveals to her that Olennaย was the one who killed Joffrey. Cerseiย says she’d ratherย die fighting than die submitting.

Drogonย returns to Dragonstoneย with Dany on his back. Jon Snow watched them from the cliff. The dragon lands and approached him, teeth snarling. Jon stands his ground. Drogonย now approaches slowly.ย 

Jon takes off his glove and reaches out. He puts a hand on Drogon’sย nose and the dragon softens to him. The two have formed some sort of bond. Daenerysย watches them, amazed.

Drogonย flies off and leaves Danyย and Jon to talk. They discuss the dragons and the battle that just took place.

“I have fewer enemies today than I did yesterday.”

Danyย asks Jon about the “knife he took for his people.” Before he can really answer, the Dothrakiย come and interrupt. They have Jorahย Mormont with them. She introduces Jorahย and Jon, the latter says that he served with Jorah’sย father and that he was a good man.

Danyย says it would be her honor to have Jorahย serve alongside her again.

Ravens Are Cawing on a Tree…

It’s clear that these ravens are being controlled by Bran. They all fly away and out into the snow. The ravens fly over the mountains and over the edge of the wall. They eventually come up on the army of the dead. The army is vast. The Night King spots the birds and they scatter, Bran is snapped from his transformation.

Back at Winterfell, Bran tells the Maester that they need to send out ravens.

At Old Town, Samwellย Tarly is still doing grunt work for the maesters. He overhears them talking about a message, saying that a “crippled boy claims to have seen dead men on the marchย beyond the wall. With the magical help of a raven with three eyes.”

Sam interrupts the men, talking about Bran Stark. He says that he knows the boy, and that he let him through the wall years ago. He said that Bran survived for years, and that they should listen to what he has to say. Sam says that if the maestersย convince the people that the Long Night is real then people will finally believe it.

The maestersย disagree on the subject, with some thinking that Danyย could be behind the message. Archmaester says that he will write to the maesterย in Winterfellย but that’s all they’ll do.ย 


At Dragonstone

Varys and Tyrionย sit together and talk. Tyrionย tries to justify what Dany did to the Tarlysย while Varysย says that he was wrong to stand by and do nothing. He went through the same thing with her father. Varysย says that she needs to get good counsel so that she doesn’t become her father.

Jon Snow receives a scroll telling him that Arya and Bran are alive. But it also says that the Night King is marching toward Eastwatch. He needs to go home. Danyย says that she can’t join him because she’ll lost to Cersei.

Tyrionย says that they should convince Cerseiย of the army of the dead so that they can all fight the Night King together. They have to bring an undeadย soldier to Cersei.

Tyrionย says that Cerseiย will only listen to Jaime, but that Jaime might listen to him. Davosย says that he can smuggle Tyrionย in. Jorah says that he will go north to find one of the dead men. Jon says that the wildlingsย will help them navigate beyond the wall and that he will lead the expedition. Danyย says she didn’t give him her permission to leave yet.

“With all due respect your grace, I don’t need your permission. I am a king.”

After Jon gives a speech about trust, Danyย agrees to let him go.

In Winterfell

Sansaย sits in front of a group of Northern leaders, all pleading for her to take over the north. With Arya watching on, Sansaย turns them down, saying that Jon is the king. Sansaย and Aryaย talk afterward. Aryaย calls out Sansaย for not defending Jon. Sansaย says that she’s doing what is right for everyone, not just for her and Jon.ย 

Aryaย says that Sansaย is thinking about Jon not returning, and that she could take over Winterfell. Sansaย dismisses her.

Tyrion and Davosย arrive at King’s Landing. Davosย says that he has business in Flea Bottom, and they need to hurry because he’s leaving the boat unattended.ย 

Bronn is taking Jaime through the tunnels, saying that they have training to do. Bronnย reveals Tyrionย and leaves the two of them alone.

Tyrion tells Jaime that he surprised him with theย Casterlyย Rock move. Jaime is still upset with Tyrionย over killing their father, and Tyrionย pleads his case. He then tells him that Dany will win the war and he knows it. He says that Danyย is willing to suspend the war if they agree on certain terms.

In Flea Bottom

Davosย walks around the town. He approaches the blacksmiths and finds Gendryย working.ย 

“I thought you might still be rowing.”

Davosย says he’s been looking for Gendryย for a while. He says that bad things are coming and Gendry agrees to come and fight. He’s been preparing for battle for quite some time. He reveals a war hammer that he built for himself.

Gendryย and Davosย get back to the boat and they are approached by two guards. Davosย tries to lie and get out of it. A bribe is working until the men ask what’s in the boat. When the men turn around they see Tyrionย walking. Gendryย takes them both out with his hammer.

The men go out to sea.

Jaime Approaches Cersei

Jaime tells Cersei about Tyrion’s meeting. He says that Dany wants to meet with Cerseiย about a truce and that the Army of the Dead is marching on Westeros. Tyrionย is going to get proof.ย 

Cerseiย says that Bronn betrayed Jaime by setting up the meeting with Tyrion. Cerseiย knew of the meeting. She says that they will have to be smart to defeat Dany. They should use the meeting to their advantage.

Cerseiย tells Jaime that she’s pregnant and that she will admit to people that he is the father. After kissing him she asks that he never betray her again.

At Dragonstone, Davosย tells Gendryย not to tell Jon Snow who he really is. Gendryย immediately ignores him, telling Jon that he is Robert Baratheon’sย bastard.

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At Old Town

Sam and Gilly talk about the books that they’re looking at. She’s reading a book and asks about an Annulment. Maynard’s book says that a prince named “Ragger” (Gillyย can’t read well) had an annulment and was married to someone at the same time, in a secret ceremony in Dorne.

Sam ignores her and complains about the maestersย because they won’t listen to him about the Night King. Sam gives the book to Gilly’s son and leaves. He breaks into the library to steal a bunch of books and scrolls.ย 

Sam takes his family and leaves town.ย 

Back in Winterfell, Arya begins spying on Littlefinger. Someone brings Littlefingerย a copy of a letter. Aryaย breaks into his room and looks for the note. She finds it and discovers that it was Sansa’s letter about her father from Season 2. As Aryaย exits his room, Littlefingerย is seen watching her.

Jon Snow arrives at Eastwatch with Davos, Jorah, and Gendry. They meet with Tormundย to talk about their mission.

The Brotherhood without Banners, including The Hound, are being held captive at Eastwatch. They join the search party as they go north of the wall to find a Wigt. Davosย stays back.

The End.