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‘Game of Thrones’: 5 Biggest Questions After Episode 3

WARNING: Spoilers ahead for the latest episode of Game of Thrones. Read at your own risk…Three […]

WARNING: Spoilers ahead for the latest episode of Game of Thrones. Read at your own risk…

Three episodes into Season 7, Game of Thrones is really starting to heat up. Daenerys and Jon are finally working together, Jaime and Cersei hatched a plan to destroy House Tyrell and Sam found a way to cure Jorah Mormont.

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While “The Queen’s Justice” advanced many individual storylines, it also left fans with plenty of questions.

Actually, if we’re being honest, “plenty” is a bit of an understatement.

Since there are too many to discuss individually, here are the five biggest questions after week three of Game of Thrones.

What’s Grey Worm’s next move?

Jaime Lannisterย admitted to ripping a page out of Robb Stark’s playbook, and he finally outsmarted the cunning mind of his younger brother Tyrion.ย 

Tyrionย thought he had the upper-hand while attacking Casterlyย Rock, guiding Grey Worm and the Unsullied into the fortress through hidden passages. However, Grey Worm’s men slaughtered the men inside while the Lannister army marched to war. Once the Unsullied were inside, Euronย burned down their ships, leaving them stranded in enemy territory.

With all that in mind, it’s time to wonder what Grey Worm will do next. The man is a brilliant soldier, and his army can fight their way out of a lot of trouble, but getting out of Casterlyย Rock seems impossible.ย 

They are surrounded on all sides. Unless someone comes to save them, Grey Worm and the Unsullied are stuck.


Which Lannisters are loyal?

The Lannistersย always pay their debts, but they’re never exactly loyal to their allies. Or their families for that matter.

Cersei has made a deal with the bank of Bravos, but does she intend on keeping the banker alive long enough to see the deal through? Will the bank stay loyal to her? And let’s not forget Cersei’sย promises to give Euronย “what his heart desires” after the war.

There’s also the question of Jaime’s loyalty. It’s clear that he still loves Cersei, and he’s trying hard to stand beside her, but he has his doubts. Jaime is right on that line between good and evil, and it’s difficult to say which one will prevail.

While Bronn may not be a Lannister, his loyalty to them has to come into question. He was seen riding beside Jaime, heading into battle as a part of the Queen’s army. He does deal in greed, but Bronnย has proven to be a solid guy at heart.ย 

If he knows that Tyrion is on the other end of this war, will he continue to fight against him?

Will Jorah make it back to Dany?

Did anyone actually think Jorah would find a way to beat his greyscale?ย 

Since the beginning of the series, it seemed like Jorah’sย love for Dany was going to lead to a tragic end. His disease was leading him down that path, but the good Samwellย Tarlyย found a way to step in and save him.

Now, he’s on his way back to Dany, to fight alongside her in the war against Cerseiย and the Lannisters.

Is there any chance he actually makes it back to the love of his life? Or will Jorah fall short of his destination?

Is there enough Dragonglass?

There are only two things in Westerosย that can defeat the Night King and his army. Bran is already inย Winterfell, leaving Dragonglassย as the missingย ingredient to ensuring a victory for Jon Snow.

Daenerys has a castle built on a mountain of the ancient material and she’s agreed to let Jon take as much as he wants.ย 

Is this going to be enough to arm the army in the North?ย 

It could be, but getting it all back to Winterfellย is going to be a difficult and daunting task.

Will Jon and Dany actually get together?

The future of Dany and Jon Snow has been a constant topic of debate amongst Game of Thrones fans.

Some have been shipping the couple since the early seasons, hoping that the two leaders would get together and rule Westeros in unison.

The rest of the fans, on the other hand, are strongly against this option. After all, Daenerysย is Jon Snow’s aunt.

So, will they become the biggest power couple in Westerosย over the final two seasons? Knowing this show, it’s difficult to say.


Photo Credit: HBO