Comedy Central is down two of its popular shows, one of which stars longtime radio personality, Charlamagne Tha God. Deadline reports the Paramount Global network has canceled Hell of a Week with Charlamagne Tha God. Executive produced by Stephen Colbert, Hell of a Week with Charlamagne Tha God saw two seasons on the network. It launched in September 2021, initially titled Tha God’s Honest Truth before a rebrand ahead of its second season. The show was originally a weekly series that transitioned into more of a panel format in its last season.
Each week, celebrity guests joined the panel in the genres of comedy, thought-leaders across various industries, politics, and more. With his unfiltered commentary, Charlamagne and the guests provided their take on current hot topics. Vice President Kamala Harris appeared on the show and was grilled about the power of Senator Joe Manchin. The show was also nominated for a WGA Award.
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Regarding the cancellation, a representative for the network told Deadline: “We will not be resuming production on another season of Hell of A Week. We thank Charlamagne and the amazing team behind the show for its impactful conversations and the incredible collaboration as we look ahead to our future partnership with Charlamagne.”
But Charlamagne remains busy. He co-hosts the weekday morning radio show The Breakfast Club alongside DJ Envy. The show has been in the top spot for the past decade-plus. In recent years, he’s rebranded himself, going from a brash radio host to a mental health advocate, a promoter of family life, and a New York Times Best Selling Author. He also is the creator of the podcast network, Black Effect, a subsidiary if iHeart, which recently hosted its first festival.
Charlemagne has been in radio for over 20 years, hosting shows in South Carolina, Philadelphia and New York. Wendy Williams once served as his mentor.