'This Is Us' Fans Frustrated by Kate's Behavior in Latest Episode

This Is Us fans were ganging up on Kate Pearson on social media Tuesday, as her attitude toward [...]

This Is Us fans were ganging up on Kate Pearson on social media Tuesday, as her attitude toward her family irritated them ahead of her big surgery.

The present-day storyline started with the aftermath of Kevin's (Justin Hartley) movie premiere, and Kate (Chrissy Metz) and Randall (Sterling K. Brown) getting into an argument about her comments about wanting to pass down her father's memory with a biological baby.

At first Randall was insulted by her comments but her argument about her difficulty getting pregnant and losing a baby made him reassess.

Later in the episode, Randall attempts to make amends, but Kate brushes him off, as her nerves were exacerbated by her family's actions.

"Mom is acting like I'm having a triple bypass. And then Kevin sent me flowers you send to someone when they're never going to see a flower again," she said. "Everyone in this family is making me feel like I'm going to die tomorrow. It's really starting to freak me out."

Randall's solution to his wife Beth (Susan Kelechi Watson) that he would be flying to Los Angeles first thing in the morning to be with his sister for the surgery.

This Is Us fans were frustrated by Kate's behavior, wondering why she would lash out at her family when they are just being supportive.

"The writers (are) starting to make Kate unlikable," one Twitter user wrote.

Later in the episode, a freaked out Kate talked to husband Toby (Chris Sullivan) — who is also keeping the secret of him going off antidepressants — what to do if she died during the surgery.

"If I do, I want you to find someone... but not that bitch from your county department Sharon, she always gives me the stink eye. Or Madison," she said, which Toby jokingly promised not to do.

Under the anesthesia, Kate begins to have visions from her past, as she is visited by the teenage and the child version of herself to advise her on her fertility journey, featuring an appearance by Jack (Milo Ventimiglia).

"Kate just moves from one obsession to another. Toby should have given his pills to her instead of flushing them," another user wrote.

"Kate's dramatic ass would neverrrrr go under anesthesia and not have some depressing dream," another user commented.

The dramatic reunion allows Kate to fight her demons and she wakes up after the surgery with a newfound confidence she will eventually become a mom.

This Is Us airs Tuesdays at 9 p.m. ET on NBC.

Photo Credit: NBC