Stimulus Checks Before Election Day Aren't Likely, Ted Cruz Says

Ted Cruz has poured some cold water on the hope of many Americans who are expecting another [...]

Ted Cruz has poured some cold water on the hope of many Americans who are expecting another stimulus check to arrive before the end of the year. The Texas senator said he believes Congress will reach no deal until after Election Day, which will be held on Nov. 3.

During a virtual meeting hosted by the United Corpus Christi Chamber of Commerce, Cruz feels that both sides are in a "very different side" as opposed to where they were at at the beginning of the pandemic. He notes that he is "skeptical" anything will be agreed upon until after November. In saying that the two sides are far apart, Cruz isn't saying anything most Americans didn't know already. As Congress headed into its August recess, set to return in the middle of September, the two parties came to an impasse in negotiations. This came as a major blow to many in the country who were banking on more financial help coming before the fall.

Cruz, echoing a similar sentiment to President Donald Trump, faults the other side, namely Speaker Nancy Pelosi, for delaying the talks. Nearly a trillion dollars separate the two sides in their relief plans. He said he doesn't believe Pelosi or Chuck Schumer want to come to an agreement, feeling that it's all part of a ploy to benefit Joe Biden in his hope of defeating Trump in the election, "I think politically they've made a determination that the more people who are broke and pissed off… the better it is for Joe Biden and their side electorally." After the meeting, Cruz tweeted that he enjoyed the chance to speak and is doing all he can to "get Texans safely back to work and our economy back on track."

With the election nearly three months away, Americans may have to wait until January for anything to come through in the form a relief package. Biden's economic advisers recently shared with Axios what his plans could be if he were to win the election, noting that he would like to get a plan passed in January when he takes office and begin to roll it out as early as the spring. Biden's plan has been labeled "Build Back Better" and could be near $3 trillion in relief money.