Man Admits to Killing Friend Over Alleged Bigfoot Murder Plot

The suspect had waived a trial by jury and was pleading self-defense due to the situation.

An Oklahoma fisherman has admitted to killing his fishing buddy while facing life in prison without parole. The reason Larry Sanders is reportedly admitting the slaying, according to Fox News, is because he was just defending himself from an attempted sacrifice to Bigfoot orchestrated by his friend, Jimmy Knighten.

Sanders was fishing with Knighten near Ponotomac County, Oklahoma when he claims to have spotted 12-foot-tall Sasquatch-esque beasts downstream. He also claims to have witnessed his friend howl into a drainage pipe before urging him to get a fish. This prompted him to get suspicious and pounce to strangle Knighten, all before his friend could do similar and float his body downstream to the waiting Bigfoot.

According to Sanders' defense, he was only strangling Knighten to get control of the situation and didn't intend to kill him. Prosecutors responded that Sanders choked Knighten until he turned blue. "Yes, there was monsters in the wood that night, but it wasn't Bigfoot, it was Larry Sanders," District Attorney Erik Johnson told the court.

Sanders had waived a jury trial and claimed he was acting in self-defense. But according to KXII, testimony from a forensic psychiatrist claimed Sanders acted due to a "meth-induced psychosis." Knighten's son, Airyn, also testified, saying Sanders was acting "frantic" after the incident and told him that Knighten was "not coming back."

With his conviction back in April, Sanders will learn his sentence on June 18. It doesn't seem that the Bigfoot defense will be gaining traction anytime soon, especially when it's a real tragedy. Bigfoot is meant to be fun!