
Amy Coney Barrett Supreme Court Confirmation Hearings: How to Watch

Monday marks the first of four days of confirmation hearings for President Donald Trump’s choice […]

Monday marks the first of four days of confirmation hearings for President Donald Trump‘s choice to fill Ruth Bader Ginsburg‘s seat on the Supreme Court, Judge Amy Coney Barrett. There are multiple ways to watch the hearing, which kicks off at 9 a.m on Monday, including on broadcast TV and live online streams.

Most news channels, including CBS News, will begin broadcasting at 9 a.m. Watch on your mobile or streaming device live on CBS News via the video embed below. You can also follow live updates on Monday’s events will include opening statements and introductions, as well as Barrett being sworn in and delivering her own statement.

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The Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Lindsey Graham will deliver an opening statement, followed by Ranking Member Dianne Feinstein and the rest of the committee members. Senators will have 10 minutes, alternating between parties. After that comes Barrett’s introduction by Senators Todd Young and Michael Braun, both Republicans from her home state of Indiana, as well as Professor Patricia O’Hara of Notre Dame Law School, where Barrett taught before becoming a federal judge in 2017.

Over the course of Tuesday and Wednesday, there will be two rounds of questioning in which each senator will have a chance to ask questions. Senators will have 30 minutes each to question Barrett in the first round. Second-round questions will last 20 minutes per senator. On Thursday, outside witnesses will testify either to support or oppose her nomination.

The Republican-controlled Senate is charging ahead with the confirmation at a pace that is uncharacteristic of the chamber, as they and Trump want her confirmed ahead of the election. Democrats say the nomination is illegitimate, citing the proximity to Election Day. Democrats on the Senate Judiciary Committee said Sunday that a questionnaire Barrett completed a part of the committee’s nomination process was still missing materials, even after she filed a supplemental questionnaire with additional information on Friday.

Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer hinted on Sunday that Democrats will “not supply the quorum” needed for the vote in the committee and the full Senate, hoping to delay the proceedings and force Republicans to delay a vote until after the presidential election.

Trump nominated Barrett to succeed Ginsburg last month. If Barrett, 48, is confirmed, she will be Trump’s third appointment, and her addition to the nation’s highest court will expand its conservative majority 6-3.

Some members of the committee are in tough reelection fights: Chairman Lindsey Graham of South Carolina, and Republicans Joni Ernst of Iowa and Tillis of North Carolina. Eyes will also be on Senator Kamala Harris of California, the Democratic vice presidential nominee. A former prosecutor, Harris garnered attention for her questioning of Justice Brett Kavanaugh during his contentious confirmation hearings in 2018. Harris is expected to participate in the hearings remotely from her Senate office, citing “Judiciary Committee Republicans’ refusal to take commonsense steps to protect members, aides, Capitol complex workers and members of the media.”