McDonald's Separates Iconic Golden Arches to Encourage Social Distancing During Coronavirus Pandemic

Since the outbreak of the coronavirus, social distancing has become encouraged around the world as [...]

Since the outbreak of the coronavirus, social distancing has become encouraged around the world as people continue to quarantine themselves inside their homes. However, when out for work or shopping for groceries, people are advised to stand several feet apart in efforts to not continue the spread of COVID-19 caused by the coronavirus. Now, fast food chain McDonald's is doing their part in encouraging communities to follow up with the rule that's being suggested by separating their iconic golden arches.

While the two arches usually make up an "M" as part of their branding, the longtime company has decided to split their letter to let customers know they stand with social distancing.

Fast food chains are one of the few companies still up and operating in the U.S. as cities have shut down day-by-day. Some rules vary state-to-state, but the majority are closing down non-essential establishments in efforts to gain control of the virus' spread.

While some companies are closing their doors momentarily, others are offering up positions for employees who have either been let go, or can't work temporarily due to the pandemic. Costco and Aldi are two stores who have seen an extreme surge in their sales, and while that's not a bad thing, employees are overwhelmed with trying to meet the public's demand. Therefore, they are offering jobs to anyone looking for work.

Another company who is offering up positions is Amazon. The retail giant is opening up a whopping 100,000 new jobs for the public and is encouraging those who aren't working right now to jump on board with them. Not only that, but the company is also doubling the overtime pay for hourly workers.

"This isn't business as usual," Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos started a public statement. "And it's a time of great stress and uncertainty. It's also a moment in time when the work we're doing is its most crucial."

"We've changed our logistics, transportation, supply chain, purchasing, and third party seller process to prioritize stocking and delivering essential items like household staples, sanitizers, baby formula, and medical supplies," his statement continued before adding, "People are feeling the economic effects of this crisis," therefore they are hiring more people and "raising wages for our hourly workers who are fulfilling orders and delivering to customers during this period of stress and turmoil."

While Bezos has assured customers that his company has taken all precautions towards keeping his employees and colleagues virus-free, one employee has tested positive for COVID-19.