Michael Phelps' Olympic Swim Coach Sent Inappropriate Texts to 24-Year-Old Swimmer

'Aggressive' text messages sent by Bob Bowman, the Olympic swimming coach who worked with Michael [...]

"Aggressive" text messages sent by Bob Bowman, the Olympic swimming coach who worked with Michael Phelps throughout his groundbreaking career, detail an inappropriate sexual exchange in May 2011 with a recently retired Olympic bronze medalist.

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(Photo: Nick Laham / Staff / Getty)

The texts, sent by Bowman and fellow coach Sean Hutchison, were reported by the receiver, Caroline Burckle, who was then 24, to USA Swimming.

"Sean wants you. I want your brother!!" one text sent from Bowman's phone reads, according to text messages obtained by the Arizona Republic, USA TODAY reports. The Arizona Republic reportedly received the messages as part of a public records request from Arizona State University, where Bowman is the head swimming coach.

"This is gross, who is this?" Burckle, whose brother Clark Burckle was also competing in the sport, replied moments later. Clark Burckle went on to become a member of the 2012 U.S. Olympic team, of which Bowman was on the coaching staff.

Caroline Burckle described the sexually graphic texts as "aggressive" when speaking to the Orange County Register. It's unclear whether the messages released by ASU were the extent of the communication between Burckle and the coaches.

When Burckle asked who was texting her, even though she had already referred to Bowman when the texting began, this was the reply:

"Bob bowman. Who is this hon?"

Minutes later, a text read, "This is Sean now how you?"

A few minutes after that, another message from Bowman's phone: "Yea, baby."

"What's bout? Sexual tension?"

Burckle asks, "Is this still Sean?"

"Yea baby," was the reply.

Burckle replied, "I'm a little confused as to what is going on, but if this truly is Bob and Sean, this is really inappropriate."

"How so?" came the reply.

"Just really crossing the line," she wrote.

"Not really crossing any line dear.."

Burckle wrote, "Alright, it's getting late, if this is bob and Sean, then please don't text me anymore. But if it's someone else playing a joke, Please tell Me who it is because I don't think this is funny."

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(Photo: MCT / Contributor / Getty)

Burckle reported the texts and a voicemail to USA Swimming, the governing body for the sport. Bowman was put on notice about "the severity of the situation" in 2011, according to the Orange County Register, which first reported the story. But Bowman was not punished and was then named to the 2012 U.S. Olympic coaching staff, hired by Arizona State in 2015 and named head coach of the 2016 U.S. men's Olympic swimming team.

Arizona State is reportedly conducting an investigation into Bowman after Vice President for Athletics Ray Anderson issued him a letter of reprimand on July 22.

"It is clear that the text messages, which you initiated, were inappropriate and unprofessional," Anderson wrote in the letter of reprimand to Bowman, which was obtained by the Arizona Republic.

"The exchange was inappropriate, which is why I apologized for all of it," Bowman wrote in a message Wednesday to USA TODAY.

"The reference to [Burckle's] brother, however, was swimming related. Her brother was swimming really well at the time and I had interest in coaching him … " Bowman added. "Clearly, this was not the manner or forum through which I should have communicated, nor should I have allowed any other individuals to communicate through my device, which is what I expressed to her when I apologized to her in a follow up phone conversation. I am deeply sorry for what occurred, have learned from all of this, and am grateful for the good relationship we have today."

When asked by USA TODAY for a comment on Bowman's status at Arizona State, the university's associate vice president of media relations and strategic communications, Bret Hovell, said, "ASU can't comment during an ongoing review."

Bowman says he has given ASU everything he has regarding the exchange with Burckle and has cooperated fully with the university and USA Swimming.

Hutchison, a former national team coach, is now the subject of a criminal investigation by the Department of Homeland Security and Washington state law enforcement after world champion swimmer Ariana Kukors alleged that he sexually assaulted her when she was 16 and continued to have sexual contact with her until she was 24. She has also filed a civil suit against Hutchison and USA Swimming.