Apple TV+ is debuting a brand new series this week, titled Circuit Breakers. The premiere episode, “Test Subject Thrieteen,” stars comedian Maz Jobrani as a school principal who winds up body-swapping with a student during a scientific mishap. In an exclusive clip from the show, Jobrani’s Principal Young discovers that his consciousness has been switched with that of one of the kids (Cole Keriazakos) in his school, and now they have to keep the freaky situation quiet until Dr. Cruz (Amanda Martรญnez) can figure out how to switch them back.
In an official synopsis of the show, Apple TV+ explains, “Circuit Breakers is a half-hour anthology series that tackles kid-relatable issues through a sci-fi lens. But not everything is as it seems, and their curiosity leads to chaos. The series was created by Melody Fox with executive producer Matt Hastings directing three episodes from the season. Circuit Breakers is executive produced by Hastings, Andrew Orenstein, Cottonwood Media’s Sarah Haasz, David Michel and Cรฉcile Lauritano, Aircraft Pictures’ Anthony Leo and Andrew Rosen, and Todd Berger.”
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Recently, Jobrani and Keriazakos sat down with SK Pop to discuss the new series, and share what they would do if they actually body-swapped for a day. “If I could be an adult for a day, I would make some weird rules,” Keriazakos joked. “And if it was a principal specifically, I would just add a weird rule to school. Like for lunch on Wednesdays, we would have mac and chocolate. Something really weird.”
As for Jobrani, he quipped, “As a grown person now who has injuries that don’t seem to want to heal, if I were a child, I would just go out on the soccer field and I would play for five hours straight and I would have zero injuries. And I would heal the next day if I did get injured. But I would have no injuries because I am a child.”
Keriazakos also offered his thoughts on why sci-fi is so popular lately. “I think it’s because a lot of people, as technology advances, they are scared that technology is getting to be to the point that it is and there are a lot of other shows that highlight that. Other anthology shows like Black Mirror and things like that, they do highlight that.”
Finally, the young actor shared his perspective on what makes Circuit Breakers stand out from other science fictions shows. “What our show shows is that, just because technology is advancing, doesn’t mean that it has to impede us so much,” he said. “This middle school [that] these kids are going to incorporates a lot of this technology and is very high functioning and works very well. So, I feel like it shows that we can embrace this technology because we’re trying to help the world.” Circuit Breakers premiere’s Friday, only in Apple TV+.