The Duttons may have survived another of Montana’s grueling blizzards on 1923, but can they survive the myriad other things trying to take them out? One of which is the U.S. government itself? Things are looking tough, but we all know the Duttons are tougher. Spoiler-filled recap ahead for 1923 Season 2, Episode 3 “Wrap Thee in Terror”.
The blizzard’s threat has passed by the start of episode 3, but there’s a lot more peril to contend with in Bozeman, including Elizabeth’s next rabies shot. Cara (Helen Mirren) tries to be nice at first after Elizabeth (Michelle Randolph) freaked out last episode and declared she’d be leaving the ranch — and that was before the wolf ate that nurse — but ultimately, Cara Dutton is at her best being a bit more direct.
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“The world is not a fair place, as you’ve surely realized by now. But it has been far kinder to you than to the woman lying in the back of Dr. Miller’s buggy,” she tells Elizabeth after delivering a swift slap. “That I can assure you.” Elizabeth eventually does acquiesce, but it’s clear she’s still just biding her time until she’s outta there — and I honestly don’t blame her at this point.
Also Dr. Miller, don’t pack up your things just yet, because Jacob (Harrison Ford) and his party barely survived the blizzard by burning their wagon — and they’re in rough shape when they return home. Zane (Brian Geraghty) especially is looking pretty bad, and Dr. Miller diagnoses him with a subdural hematoma that needs to be drained to relieve the pressure on his brain. That’s bad enough, but what’s even worse is the fact that the doctor doesn’t have any anesthesia on him.
Jack (Darren Mann) is also shocked when his return home is met with his wife packing her belongings to flee the ranch in search of more civilized surroundings — well after eight more rabies injections. Invoking her vows, she tells Jack, “It’s your turn for ‘worse.’ You want to be my husband? Be him in Boston.”
It seems like Alex (Julia Schlaepfer) has got to be having a better time than the Montana crew, but she’s really not. Yes, her ship survived the storm and is arriving in New York at long last, but Ellis Island is an absolute hellscape, especially for a pregnant woman. After undergoing a very rough pelvic exam, Alex’s pregnancy is discovered, and she’s marked — physically marked — while she waits to see if she’s about to be sent back to her home country after all this trouble.
The American government isn’t exactly keen on pregnant women entering the States, another woman tells her, and being that Alex doesn’t even have a marriage license, she’s in a bad position when she meets with the man who holds her fate in his hands. He’s a boor, not unexpectedly, and doesn’t believe her when she explains her trip to reunite with her husband in Montana.
After everything she’s been through this season, it was good to see Alex stomp him into the ground when he asks her to demonstrate she can read, and even better when she points out the lipstick that stained his collar from the last woman he … approved. That little show of gumption earns Alex her freedom, but after she buys a train ticket at Grand Central Station, she’s followed by a sketchy-looking character into the restroom. Look out, Alex!

Much like his beloved wife, Spencer (Brandon Sklenar) can’t seem to stay out of danger, and his rumrunning mission for Luca’s mobster cousin of course becomes a life or death situation when they run into a checkpoint. Spencer says he’s not dying for booze and gets out of the car, but Luca isn’t giving up — and he points out that Spencer is not immune to blind familial loyalty. “Right or wrong, they are family,” says the sailor. “Look at what you do for your family.”
The two eventually part peacefully, but it’s not long before Spencer sees what Luca’s family ties have brought him — an apparent death by gunfire — as he hopes his don’t do the same.
Meanwhile, Runs His Horse (Michael Spears) finds the rancher for the land he’s traveling on with Teonna (Aminah Nieves) and Pete (Jeremy Gauna) — and they agree to help with the cattle drive in exchange for safe passage. But they better keep an eye out, because Marshal Fossett (Jennifer Carpenter) is also investigating the killings that took place at Father Renaud’s camp — and I’m just nervous Teonna’s escape is going to get even more complicated than it already is.
This article was adapted from the latest episode of PopCulture Social Call, streaming weekdays on’s YouTube channel. You can now watch this episode, which is embedded in the above article.