Tiger Woods was in a single-car rollover crash on Tuesday morning, sending him to the hospital with multiple leg injuries. Several people responded to the news with an outpouring of support, including a former partner. Olympian Lindsey Vonn, who previously dated Woods, expressed concern for the golfer with a message on Twitter.
“Praying for TW right now [praying hands emoji],” Vonn tweeted on Tuesday. She was one of several high-profile athletes expressing concern about Woods and whether he would make a full recovery. Vonn and Woods previously dated for three years and created headlines in the process. They ultimately split in 2015, with Vonn saying at the time that it was a “mutual” parting.
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Vonn announced the news about the split with a post on Facebook. She explained at the time that they didn’t spend a lot of time together due to their respective athletic careers. They were simply too busy to spend much time together.
“After nearly three years together, Tiger and I have mutually decided to end our relationship,” Vonn wrote at the time. “I will always cherish the memories that we’ve created together. Unfortunately, we both lead incredibly hectic lives that force us to spend a majority of our time apart.” Vonn also said that she “will always admire and respect” Woods and said that his family would hold a special place in her heart.
The crash occurred Tuesday morning as Woods was heading northbound on Hawthorne BLVD. Los Angeles County Sheriff Alex Villanueva provided details about the incident, saying that Woods’ Hyundai Genesis SUV was traveling at a “relatively greater speed than normal” when he crossed into the opposing lane of traffic, hit a curb, a tree, and then rolled over multiple times.
Photos surfaced on social media that showed the destroyed Genesis SUV resting on the driver’s side. The extent of the damage was so much that many fans expressed concern about the severity of Woods’ injuries. However, Villanueva explained that the interior of the vehicle remained intact and served as a cushion that kept the golfer alive. He also noted that Woods was wearing a seatbelt at the time of the incident.
Deputy Carlos Gonzalez also spoke to the media and detailed his interactions with Woods. He explained that the golfer was awake and in the driver’s seat when he arrived at the scene of the crash. He also said that Woods was “calm and lucid” and that he was able to say his name and where he was.