Jay Cutler and Kristin Cavallari announced their impending divorce on Sunday, marking the end of a 10-year relationship. The original statement posted on their social media accounts said that they still “love and respect each other,” but the proceedings are reportedly becoming contentious. Cavallari allegedly believes that Cutler is hiding his NFL pension money.
A source close to the Uncommon James owner told E! News that Cavallari suspects Cutler of keeping some of his money from the NFL secret. Additionally, Cavallari reportedly is concerned about Cutler’s close ties to their financial team. Court documents obtained by E! News show that the former Chicago Bears quarterback reportedly obtained a private email between Cavallari and their financial manager despite keeping him out of the chain. This was either achieved by the financial manager providing Cutler with the email without Cavallari’s consent or he “hacked into Wife’s password-protected email account.”
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“Jay and Kristin have shared the same business managers for years, but the managers are long-time friends of Jay’s which is proving problematic in the divorce, obviously,” the source told E! News. “Part of the problem is that Kristin believes Jay is trying to hide certain assets from her.” Cutler later confirmed in his own court documents that their business managers had managed his finances prior to their marriage.
In Cutler’s documents, which were filed later on Thursday, he requested that Cavallari’s allegations be struck from the record. His documents said that she included “immaterial, impertinent and scandalous matters that are alleged against Husband with no basis in fact or law.” Cutler also attached the email that he had allegedly obtained without his wife’s knowledge.
According to NBC Sports, the new Collective Bargaining Agreement details that the average NFL pension is $46,000 per year. The minimum career to begin receiving a pension is only three years, but Cutler spent 12 seasons in the NFL. He is reportedly eligible to receive $5,640 per month for every year of service in the league. Although players aren’t eligible to receive their full benefits until the age of 55.
The court documents were also obtained by Us Weekly and alleged that Cutler had prevented Cavallari from purchasing a home that she wanted in Tennessee. His lawyer was allegedly going to tell their business manager to not release the funds that she needed to complete the purchase. Cavallari also reportedly turned down a proposed settlement after she claimed it was unfair due to her making “significant financial contributions to the marital estate.”