'My Big Fat Fabulous Life': Whitney's Brother Hunter Storms out Over Mystery French Boyfriend in Exclusive Sneak Peek

Whitney Way Thore is ready to meet her mysterious Frenchman, but brother Hunter thinks inviting him on a family vacation is a "strange" introduction. In a PopCulture.com exclusive sneak peek of Tuesday's all-new My Big Fat Fabulous Life, the siblings get into it over Whitney's issued invite to her online boyfriend, and Hunter decides he's had enough of his sister's dating life.

Explaining to her mom and brother that her mystery man wanted to meet up during his one week of vacation, Whitney reveals she invited him to join the family on their vacation to Maine. "We leave for Maine at the end of this week and I'm so excited for the trip," she tells the camera, adding, "[I] can't even understand that I'm also going to meet the Frenchman the way that the good Lord intended - no screens between us." The TLC star adds cheekily that maybe there will be "no nothing between us" by the end of the week.

Hunter's face immediately gives away his feelings about the invite, and when prodded by his sister, he admits he's not a fan of the family vacation turning into a "meet and greet." Whitney posits that it already wasn't a family vacation when they invited their friends, but Hunter counters that everyone has at least met their friends.

"Why are you so hateful on every man?" she fires back, to which Hunter responds, "I'm just saying we meet the guy first before he has a family vacation with us. That's all I'm saying. I'm just saying sometimes I think you skip steps." Whitney defends her decision by pointing out her love interest only had the one week of vacation, but Hunter thinks it's "weird" he would agree to come on their trip either way. 

Things escalate quickly, with Whitney threatening her brother, "If you mess this up for me..." Hunter responds he has no plans on doing anything, noting, "I'm not mad, I just think it's strange." Whitney tells him that with that kind of attitude, he can leave, and Hunter takes her suggestion to heart. "Alright, peace," he says, getting up and leaving abruptly.

Hunter tells the camera that while he loves Whitney's "stubbornness," "bullheadedness" and ability to get things done, he thinks those same qualities hurt her in relationships due to her tendency to "dive headfirst into them" before she really gets to know these men. "I want nothing more than my sister to be happy - that's all I want," he insists. "But Whitney's dating life has been a trainwreck. I just see her making bad decisions. Whitney thinks I'm gonna ruin it for, but I'm not. She's going to do it all on her own." My Big Fat Fabulous Life airs Tuesdays at 9 p.m. ET on TLC.