'Married at First Sight': Jamie Thrown off by 'Separation Issues' in Wife Elizabeth's Family

The Married at First Sight experiment may have just begun for Jamie Thompson and Elizabeth Bice, [...]

The Married at First Sight experiment may have just begun for Jamie Thompson and Elizabeth Bice, but the honeymoon is officially over.

In Wednesday's all-new episode of the Lifetime reality show (produced by Kinetic Content), Jamie was in for an awkward awakening meeting with his new in-laws and realizing how involved they truly were with his new wife's life.

Dad Ronnie kicked things off with a bombshell, asking his new son-in-law when he was ready to change his last name.

"No, I'm not," Jamie said, laughing. But Ronnie was being totally serious. "We talked about her hyphenating and all those other things, but since it's only four letters we were hoping you would be OK with taking our last name," he said.

Jamie, however, wasn't about to change his mind, prompting Ronnie to tell him, "I mean we've only known each other for 24 hours and we're already at a crossroads in our relationship?"

After dropping the last name issue, Jamie once again touched a sore spot for his new father-in-law when he told him of Elizabeth, "I like her energy. She's got a great sense of humor. We can just lay there and not be doing anything."

Ronnie shut that down immediately, saying it "burned the inside of [his] ears" to hear about his daughter laying down with a man.

"That's my heart. He can't have that. If you can't tell already, I take care of her," he said. "I couldn't watch you kiss her last night. I'm very protective of my daughter so that whole lips on her face thing got me upset. When the garter came I had to turn away. I couldn't even watch it. That's still my little girl. It still makes me a little sad because I know you're going to take a part of her life that I've always had."

Jamie was definitely intimidated by the conversation, wondering what kind of relationship he and his wife could have amid so much family baggage.

"I can tell her dad has a lot of separation issues with his daughter and I'm frankly just sitting there like, 'Where do I fit into this?' because if he's going to be that involved where is there room for me in this?" he wondered.

Married at First Sight (produced by Kinetic Content) airs Wednesdays at 8:30 p.m. ET on Lifetime.

Photo credit: Lifetime