Big Brother 22 is nearing its return after being delayed as a result of the coronavirus pandemic. Typically a series that runs throughout the summer, the Julie Chen-Moonves-hosted show saw a bit of a setback in getting set up in its production as the outbreak worsened, but the hit CBS reality show will make its long-awaited return on Wednesday and with a brand-new house fit for the All-Star cast.
On Monday, Viacom CBS gave a little look into the house, showcasing the high-tech redesign of the front of the house. The show’s executive producers, Allison Grodner and Rich Meehan, called the new loft “amazing” due to its artistic style. The producers applauded its “nod to Big Brother past” as well as the subtle hidden intricacies of the house that the two suggest may play a part of a new twist. Designed by Scott Storey, the house is said to model downtown Los Angeles, featuring 16-foot tall warehouse windows and a wall that features 1,152 illuminated pegs to give the cast the “star treatment.” The kitchen will shine a light on some of the show’s iconic moments with murals depicting various scenes including Dan Gheesling’s funeral and Rachel Reilly coining the term “floaters.” Upstairs, some of the series’ most well-known “showmances” will be honored with murals in the lounge while the bathroom will pay homage to the iconic yellow rubber duck that’s been seen throughout the series. The highly-coveted Head of Household room will also have a new look, including a twilight-lit city skyline on the ceiling and a royal blue velvet sofa that will surely be perfect for making deals and alliances on.
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With the season quickly approaching, the other new twist on Season 22 is that none of the houseguests have been revealed. Though some have speculated on who will be on it, nothing has been made official, and it won’t be official until the night off when the show features its first-ever live move-in segment as part of its two-hour premiere. Big Brother will return to its usual schedule with live evictions on Thursday and Wednesday and Sunday featuring previously-taped scenes.
Here is a look at what viewers of the show can expect to see from the new-look house.