Here's What Becca Kufrin Is Doing With the $6,000 Fans Sent Her After 'Bachelor' Breakup

Becca Kufrin is turning her Bachelor heartbreak into something positive.One day after Arie [...]

Becca Kufrin is turning her Bachelor heartbreak into something positive.

One day after Arie Luyendyk Jr. ended his engagement to the 27-year-old publicist on national television, returning to runner-up Lauren Burnham (with whom he is now engaged!), Bachelor Nation wanted to do something to help ease Becca's pain.

So total strangers started using the payment app Venmo to send Becca money for food and alcohol to ease her woes.

"Girl, Arie is a plain a— bagel," one person wrote alongside their payment. "Here's some beer money for you until you find your everything bagel."

"You deserve so much better. Like a margarita," added another.

Others suggested eating her feelings, saying, "Go get yourself some queso you deserve it."

During Tuesday's live episode of the After the Final Rose special, host Chris Harrison revealed more than $6,000 had been raised.

Becca, who said she's been loving the national show of support, which has also included anti-Arie billboards and governmental drafts, couldn't believe the amount of money amassed.

"I don't even know what to think," she told Harrison. "I love my wine don't get me wrong, but I don't think I can drink that much. I don't know."

When asked what she is going to do with all the money, Becca had an idea that further endeared her to Bachelor Nation.

"Donate it!" she said. "Give it to some cause that needs it. Stand Up to Cancer."

Stand Up to Cancer is a nonprofit which works to raise money to fund cancer research and treatment. Becca's dad passed away years after being diagnosed with a glioblastoma brain cancer when she was 14.

Chris then announced that The Bachelor will match the donations, possibly in an attempt to make up for showing Becca's breakup in a way that garnered the program a lot of criticism.

"That makes me so happy. You know, this is a terrible situation that happened," Becca shared. Harrison added, "Some good will come out of it."

Becca is even less in need of the money after the end of Tuesday's Bachelor special, in which she was named the star of next season's The Bachelorette.

"Once I got past the initial heartbreak, at the end of the day the show is about finding love," she told the audience. "I have so much love to give, so hard yes all around."

The Bachelorette premieres on May 28 on ABC.