'Alaskan Bush People': Matt Brown Transforms Into Beekeeper Man in Hilarious New Clip

The Alaskan Bush People kids are taking on a truly supersized task in Sunday's all-new episode of [...]

The Alaskan Bush People kids are taking on a truly supersized task in Sunday's all-new episode of the Discovery show.

In a brand new clip from Sunday's episode, Matt, Snowbird and Gabe Brown are tasked with saving brother Bam's bees after a rogue bear lays waste to the brand new beehives the family built in their Washington home.

It's a dangerous task that requires a little extra help from Matt's alter ego — Beekeeper Man — whom the kids bring to life with some heavy duty gloves, a motorcycle helmet, cape and massive "B" spray painted on his chest.

"Don't get so obsessed with how perfect it is," Matt tells his siblings as they ready him for his rescue mission. "It's just so they know we're heroes coming in.

"Do you feel like a superhero yet, Matt?" Snowbird asks her brother after the transformation is completed, to which he replies, "I do."

Readying himself to go in for his task, Gabe encourages his big brother, "Go get those bees! It's up to you now!"

To Snowbird, Gabe says, "He looks awesome," prompting her to respond, "No, he does look cool."

Matt is clearly relishing his new superhero persona, if not the task, telling the cameras, "I am Beekeeper Man. I told the bees to be calm, that it would be OK."

He jokes later, "I'm not saying I'm Matt Brown, I'm just saying you've never seen Matt Brown and Beekeeper Man in the same room at the same time before."

It's this kind of sibling bonding that makes life in the tough wilderness of the Pacific Northwest worth it all in the end, especially with the Browns taking on the tough new task of building dad Billy's dream ranch on their new land.

"You know, I definitely wish we could have as much fun, like, on the barn projects and all the things we have to do as we are having helping the bees," Snowbird tells the cameras.

Having relocated to Washington following mom Ami Brown's cancer-free diagnosis, Billy revealed earlier this season that he's dreaming big when it comes to building up the family's new home.

"You can't grow up in Texas with horses and not have it get under your skin. I had fought so hard, so long to try and pull something like that off, and got really close but didn't quite make it," he said in an August episode. "We fought hard in Alaska to have a self-sustaining lifestyle, renewable resources and things like that. Here, those things are right in front of us. Everything that you're relying on for food and work and everything else comes from this barn."

Alaskan Bush People airs Sundays at 9 p.m. ET on Discovery.

Photo credit: Discovery