So, you walk into Area 51 – what do you expect to find? Aliens? Psh, that is so last week. According to Frag Hero, it looks like the world’s most mysterious military locations is a loaded Pokemon treasure trove.
Taking a trip to Area 51, the guys over at Frag Hero hung up their tin foil hats and picked up their iPhones to find which pokemon could be caught in the secluded area. The team were in for a big surprise when they stumbled across 3 totally untouched gyms.
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I guess extraterrestrials just aren’t all that interested in playing Pokemon these days.

The team quickly conquered the gyms and visited the area’s local PokeStops which included a UFO Sculpture and ET Fresh Jerky Mural. The group then ventured out into possibly questionable territory in their search for rare pokemon. While there were no MewTwos to be found, the guys did run into creatures such as Ponyta, Rhyhorn, Sandslash, Abra, Arcanine, Pidgeot, Primeape, and – of course – Pikachu. In fact, the adorable electric-type was found energizing some power plant stations late at night, and they even stumbled upon a few fiery Charmanders hanging out at gas stations.
The Frag Hero crew has warned other adventurous trainers to be careful should they make a pitstop at Area 51 to find some new pokemon. Much of the area is kept under strict surveillance, and some locations even forbid photography equipment, making Pokemon GO‘s camera function illegal. What’s more is that Area 51 famously holds some pretty terrible cell service, so connecting to LTE on your quest to catch ’em all would be painstakingly slow.
But, still, the trip may be worth it for trainers who’re interested in sussing out some rare catches. Who knows? By the time new trainers mosey into town, the aliens might’ve decided to waste a few hours and enact their plans for local gym domination. Surely, stranger things have happened in Area 51 than that.
If you want to check out what all pokemon can be caught in Pokemon GO, feel free to check out our image gallery below!