Now that the brilliant first season of Westworld is sadly over, we can start to look ahead to what season 2 may hold for us.
Between now and then, which looks like 2018, we’re sure there will be plenty of Westworld news to keep us going, as the series has already been nominated for numerous awards and has proven to be the most talked about new series this past fall.
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But until we start getting some more details on season 2, which will likely come as soon as a script is completed or pre-production starts, let’s take a look at what we already know.

No More William
Jimmi Simpson did an impeccable job playing the role of William in season 1, as soon as it was revealed that he is the Man In Black, his story line ended.
The purpose of the character was fulfilled. We now have a deeper understanding of how and more specifically the Man In Black turned into…the Man In Black.
According to Simpson’s interview with Vanity Fair, fans, unfortunately, won’t be seeing any more of (young) William.ย
Simpson said “No… My William has served his purpose. As of now, I’ll be done at the end of season 1.”ย
RIP William.

The Man In Black Will Return
Ed Harris has officially signed on for Westworld season 2, so at least we know that we’ll be getting more William, just in a different sense.
While the season finale left his fate up in the air after he was shot by Clementine with a real gun, we have no idea if the Ghost Nation actually killed him or not.
Even if he comes back for one episode of Westworld season 2, we will get closure on his storyline if he does actually end up being killed.
If he doesn’t end up being killed, all of his dreams have come true now that Westworld has turned into a park with “real life and death” stakes.
Also, noting that he owns most of Delos, we might be seeing Ed Harris’ character as his outside alter-ego and not the Man In Black, seeing as though his company is currently falling apart and Ford has set the hosts free, or at least led them to sentience.

Dolores Is Gone
Evan Rachel Wood said that by the end of the Westworld season 1 finale, her once innocent character Dolores, is gone.
Dolores has fully commited to being Wyatt, the mass murderer host that we don’t know much about yet.
We do know that “Wyatt” killed Arnold and also that Wyatt is most likely the fully sentient version of Dolores. That doesn’t necessarily mean that Dolores will ONLY be a killing machine.
In the beginning of Westworld season 2, we should expect to see Wyatt carrying out Ford’s plan instead of the girl-next-door Dolores, stuck in her boring little loop.
Which is really exciting, if you think about it!

More Parks
Showrunners Lisa Joy and Jonathan Nolan already said they would not be exploring outside of the main park during season 1, but that if the series was renewed we would eventually see other parks as well.
In the original Westworld movie, the were a few different parts for guests to enjoy and in the sequel Futureworld, there were several more including Samurai World.
We do know that Westworld isn’t going anywhere, as the wild west was the perfect setting to set up the story.
However, in the season finale, we were given pretty obvious hints concerning other parks.ย
Felix told Maeve that her daughter was in “Park 1” and we can expect to see her try to get there in season 2.
We also saw Maeve walk through part of Mesa Gold that was training Samurai hosts for SW…which stands for Samurai World.
The story is expanding to new locations.
Maybe we’ll even get to see what the real world looks like!

Already In Progress
While we won’t be getting the second season until 2018, it is already in progress.
In fact, the official Westworld Writers Room is already in their 10th week of working on the script.
In a recent interview with Variety, the showrunners were asked where they were with season 2:
Joy: We’ve started working on scripts and outlines. It’s looking good. It’s looking very ambitious. There’s some surprises and bits of it that you won’t see coming. I’m having fun.
Nolan: It’s an ambitious project, and HBO has encouraged us to take the time and resources that we need to work on each stage of that. I love television. One of the fun things about television is that sometimes you find yourself in this place where you have to wear all these hats at once. You have to write, shoot, and cut simultaneously. We wanted to in the second season spend some more time writing, then switch gears into production, then cut. So we’re not going to follow the annual year-on-year tradition of television. Television’s changing. And the ambition of the project is such that we’re going to take our time to get the second season right.
It’s alright, we can wait a little longer for another excellent season of Westworld!

NEXT:ย Season 2 May Take Place In Samurai World
More Westworld: Did Ford Really Die/The Man in Black Revealed /ย The Maze Revealedย /ย Ford’s New Narrative Revealedย /ย WESTWORLD FINALE RECAP WITH SPOILERSย
Westworldย will return for season 2 on HBO in 2018.ย