
Watch A Frog Be Forced To Marry An Indian Rain God

Between blind dates and people trying to set you up and swiping left or right, it’s not easy […]

Between blind dates and people trying to set you up and swiping left or right, it’s not easy finding a romantic partner in 2016. Well, unless you’re a frog who lives in a part of India that hasn’t been getting much rainfall, in which case you get to marry a doll modeled after Indra, the Hindu god of rain.

Of course it sounds strange, but the practice of marrying a frog to a bamboo doll is a time-honored mythological belief that will ensure copious amounts of rain. Some residents claimed that they performed the same ritual last year and received plenty of rain, so if it ain’t broke, why fix it?

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Although the bride and groom seemed a little standoffish during the ceremonies and kept to themselves, we can only assume that the honeymoon will be ribbit-ing.

[H/T NBC News]