
10 Fictional Presidents Who Would Be Better Than Donald Trump

It’s been a rough election to say the least. Now that Election Day is finally here, many people […]

It’s been a rough election to say the least. Now that Election Day is finally here, many people are trying to figure out which presidential candidate will actually get their vote. It’s a tough decision choosing between the loud and mean spirited, billionaire and reality star, Donald Trump and the former first lady, former Secretary of State, whose emails were recently investigated by the FBI, Senator Hillary Clinton.

It’s been a rough ride, America, but it will soon be over – for better or for worse.

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So, to keep everyone going as we head to the finish line, here is a list of ten fictional presidents who, for better or for worse, may have been a better option for America in 2016.

jed bartlet
(Photo: IMDB)

Tom Beck – ‘Deep Impact’

If there is a comet hurling itself toward Earth, it might be best to have a president that has dealt with that situation before. President Tom Beck, played by Morgan Freeman, is just the president for the job. Sure, millions of people died on his watch, but many more survived because he helped to put together a team that were willing to do what it took to get the job done.ย 

Though his presidency was marked by a cataclysmic event, he was still able to successfully work with other nations to create a plan to save the world. Sure, the original plan failed, but it all worked out in the end. Given the state of conflict around the world today, wouldn’t you want a team player to be sitting in the White House today?

James Marshall – “Air Force One’

President James Marshall knows how to take care of himself, which is a good quality for a president that has a few terrorist coming after him on his own plane. Though things get a little out of hand for Marshall, it’s clear that he knows how to handle a tough situation.ย 

Would either of the current candidates know what to do if their plane was hijacked and their family taken hostage? Probably not – though who knows what Hillary can do in those heels. When it comes to being president, being able to think clearly, quickly, and efficiently during a high stress situation is important, and Marshall fits that bill.ย 

air force one
(Photo: IMDB)

Fitzgerald Grant – ‘Scandal’

Yes, President Grant is known for having an affair with crisis manager Olivia Pope, but he is also a decorated veteran, has a degree from an Ivy League school, and campaigned hard to win his presidency. Or at least, he played dirty to win his election, from rigging voting machines to spreading rumors about his opponents.

But, a little unnoticed deception isn’t that bad. He might be dirty, but at least he has someone there to clean everything up – Olivia Pope – so the voters don’t have to see it.ย 

(Photo: IMBD)

Selina Meyer – ‘Veep”

The former Vice President Selina Meyer has finally, and to some people’s surprise, actually become President of the United States. Even though she doesn’t care too much for the public, she still somehow managed to get re-elected. Her vulgar humor and awkwardness is something not often seen in a president – which could be for the best.ย 

But, if there is one thing that the people love, it’s someone that can make them laugh. So, Selina could be just the funny and lovable president we need in 2016.

(Photo: IMDB)

Coriolanus Snow – ‘Hunger Games’

Before you click away, just consider the fact that though President Snow was a horrible horrible man, who treated his people like slaves and condoned a system that let children kill each other for sport, his presidency is what brought along the biggest change Panem has seen in a long time.

Perhaps having such a horrible president would help our country finally band together, instead of pushing apart, and America could finally make a change for the better, instead of staying the same? No? Is it too close to what is actually happening out there?

What about President Donald Sutherland? He is a world renowned actor, father of Kiefer Sutherland, and has one of those soothing voices that can calm any situation.

hunger games
(Photo: IMBD)

David Palmer – ’24’

David Palmer was America’s first black president – or at least he was to the many fans ofย 24. More importantly, he is beyond resilient. He survived an attack by both an assassin and by his own cabinet. He is able to keep things together both as a politician and as a human, all the while helping to protect the country from terrorists.

One quality that doesn’t often come up during a presidential election is whether or not a president can fight terrorism, survive a deadly virus, and calm his fellow politicians, all while staying sane. David Palmer can.ย 

(Photo: IMDB)

Richard Nixon – ‘Futurama’

Richard Nixon was a real life president, but his best days in that role probably happened in his fictional form – Richard Nixon’s head inย Futurama. As a head in a jar in the year 3000, Nixon decides to run for office again and somehow manages to win. Perhaps in the future, History is a lost subject.ย 

Now, the future president Nixon does seem to have a lot of the same qualities as current candidate Donald Trump. Both want to build a wall to keep out immigrants/aliens. However, Nixon is known for being a generous president, giving the people of Earth new money when there is a budget surplus. The only problem was that for every dollar spent, another vote for Nixon was cast for the following presidential race.ย 

(Photo: Facebook / Futurama)

Frank Underwood – ‘House of Card’

Frank Underwood may have come into office by doing some pretty horrible things, but he is quite the intelligent individual. He is determined, straight-forward, and has had quite the political career. He is even one of the main reasons his former running mate and former President Garrett Walker got elected in the first place.

Sure, he might not make the best decisions, but he knows the system and helps the country overall. He has passed a jobs program that helped poor and impoverished people – much like his family growing up. He knows how to get stuff done – you just might not know how he goes about doing it. He is going to do what he wants, whether you like it or not.ย 

frank underwood
(Photo: YouTube / Lokesh Bhaskar)

Thomas Whitmore – ‘Independence Day’

Even when the world seemed as if it was going to end, when humanity was on the brink of annihilation, there was one president that was there to keep not only America together, but to keep the world together. President Thomas Whitmore led a team to destroy the aliens that came to invade and destroy Earth.

Not only did Whitmore gather a great team of scientists and military leaders to work together to solve a problem, but he was able to inspire everyone – even those watching the film at home – to fight for humanity on Independence Day. Even 20 years later, when the aliens return for a second round, Whitmore is there to help and inspire.ย 

He is a president that isn’t just there for America, but for the world when it needs him.ย 

Jed Bartlet

Josiah “Jed” Bartlet was known as America’s television president for seven seasons ofย The West Wing. Even today, years after the show ended, Charlie Sheen returns to the role to inspire Americans to make the best choice when it comes to elections.

President Jed Bartlet has been seen sparring with his republican counterparts, passing historic legislation, and putting narrow-minded people in their place, while still holding his religious views at heart. He is an intelligent man with a kind heart that always seems to have the country’s best interests at heart. During his eight years as president, he always did his best to do the right thing.ย 

To top it all off, he was known for giving just the right speech at just the right time.