
‘Subway Doodles’ Reveals Creatures in New York Subway

#subwaydoodle #subway #doodle #swd #nyc #ftrain #nap #cuddle #tentacles #ironicsubwayad […]

Commuting can be the worst part of the day. But what if riding the train could be fantastical? Artist Ben Rubin decided to take his dull everyday ride and add a bit of imagination.

“I started sketching on my iPad during my commute just to pass the time. One day I took a picture with my iPad on the train and drew over the picture,” Rubin said according to My Modern Met. “It was fun so I did another. And another. Then it just kind of continued from there.”

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Rubin takes photos of his fellow commuters on the New York City subway and adds a bit of a twist โ€“ he draws in monsters and creatures. Now these beasts aren’t there to scare the humans, but are depicted as if they too are commuting home after a long day.

Some are seen sleeping alongside riders, or sneaking a sip of coffee. Others are being carried by their human companions, or spend their ride just as engrossed in their phones and devices as their counterparts.

“Some of the pieces are observations on everybody experiences day to day โ€“ you look around and see these crazy weird creatures you’re stuck in a train car with,” Rubin told NY Daily News. He also explains that he has been drawing monsters since he was a child.

Subway Doodle, as Rubin calls the work, is showcased on Rubin’s Instagram page. There he posts more than just the creatures under the streets of NYC, but those that also interact with humans throughout the city. As it turns out, NYC is full of these fantastical creatures.