
Ranking The M. Night Shyamalan Films

Split came out of nowhere a few weeks ago, surprising both audiences and box office predictors. […]

Split came out of nowhere a few weeks ago, surprising both audiences and box office predictors. With a huge twist, and a lot of talent, the film assurred everyone that M. Night Shyamalan was definitely back.

While the director has made some serious classics, he’s also had a couple of huge flops to his name. The contrast has made him one of the most debated topics in film over the last 20 years.

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Which of these movies were the best? Which were the worst? We’ve laid it all out for you here. Flip through the slideshow for a look at the full ranking of M. Night Shymalan movies, from The Sixth Sense to Split.

Split Movie Ending Unbreakable Connection Mr. Glass Horde

Avatar: The Last Airbender

There aren’t many words to describe how poorly this movie was received, so there’s really no point in even trying.

What was a beloved animated series, turned into one of the biggest flops of all time. Let’s not spend any more time on this one, eh?

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The Happening

You would’ve thought the inclusion of Mark Wahlberg could make The Happening a fun movie, but we were all sorely disappointed.

In a film where the plants of the earth were using toxins to force humans to kill themselves (wish that was a joke), there wasn’t much to leave the theater excited about.

It’s fun to re-watch all of Marky-Mark’s ridiculous lines from the film, but that’s about the only good thing that stemmed from The Happening.



After Earth

After Earth was a huge departure for M. Night Shyamalan, as he traveled into space with Will and Jaden Smith.

The effects in this movie were great, but everything else proved beyond subpar. In a story where you just wanted to root for someone, there wasn’t an on-screen presence you felt excited about.

Even the charisma of Will Smith couldn’t save this mission.



Lady In The Water

At this point in the list, things start looking up for Shyamalan films. Lady In The Water was far from his best work, but the story was original enough to set it apart.

Other than the story, there was only one part of Lady In The Water worth remembering – Paul Giamatti.

Giamatti is considered a national treasure, but this movie certainly wasn’t.



The Village

The Village wasn’t received that well initially, but it has gained a solid following over time. Some felt that the big reveal of the village taking place in the modern world was silly, but it’s started to grow on people.

The dialogue and acting was solid, but it just wasn’t enough to crack into the filmmaker’s top five.

the village



If The Village got better over time, Signs might be exactly the opposite.ย 

The alien film was the talk of the town when it premiered, but doesn’t exactly hold up after some time has passed. Swing Away? Really?

Despite that, this film has some of Shyamalan’s best characters and ideas throughout, so it sneaks in the top five over The Village.



The Visit

The Visit surprised some folks, and it turned out to be one of the better PG-13 horror movies of the last decade.

In addition to setting a creepy atmosphere and working with a subtle but wonderful twist, The Visit found a way to relate to many audiences members. The relatability of his films was what had hindered Shyamalan for years, but this movie proved he had found that touch once again.

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Even if you take out that final twist, Split was a great movie. It was exciting, emotional, inventive – everything you remembered loving about the old M. Night.

The added twist however, is what really cemented Split‘s greatness. Finding out that the film was actually part of a much bigger universe had fans cheering aloud in theaters.

Another big take from Split? James McAvoy might be one of the best actors around.

Split Movie Reviews M Night Shyamalan


The Sixth Sense

“I see dead people” was one of the most repeated lines in the world following the release of The Sixth Sense.ย 

The film sent chills in your spine from the opening sequence, and you couldn’t decide if you were watching horror or family drama. The film was a true genre-bender, in every sense of the word.

Sixth Sense also had one of the best twists in cinematic history, and it will be remembered for generations.




While Sixth Sense may be Shyamalan’s most recognizable film, Unbreakable was easily his best.

Without realizing it, folks flooded to theaters to watch one of the best superhero movies of all time, and the combo of Sam Jackson and Bruce Willis brought the house down.ย 

Thank the good lord there is another Unbreakable on the way.

Which M. Night Shyamalan movie was your favorite? Let us know in the comments below.

