
Frozen Fan Theory Suggests Hans Is A Magic Mirror

Rarely is a Disney animated film completely adapted from the original fairy tale on which it’s […]

Rarely is a Disney animated film completely adapted from the original fairy tale on which it’s based, and often it’s to lighten the tone. Frozen was also tweaked from its source material, but a new video suggests that the changed part wasn’t left out entirely, but merely changed in form.

Ben of the Super Carlin Brothers released a new video that pitches a new theory about Hans, who ends up betraying Anna and becoming the villain. The hit film is based on a fairy tale titled The Snow Queen by Hans Christian Andersen, and there are a number of differences between the two. The original story featured the devil, who is headmaster at a school for evil trolls, but the only trolls that show up in Frozen are those adorable forest trolls, a far cry from their original purpose.

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One of the central components of the story is a magical mirror that only reflects someone’s most horrid aspects and traits. You’ll notice Frozen has no such mirror, but Ben makes a compelling case that it actually did, but was in human form instead. His theory is that Hans is actually the mirror, as the character is never seen by himself and his personality changes constantly throughout the film depending on who he is talking to. You could say he’s manipulative, but his mimicry is more than just words, but rather mannerisms and demeanor.

He offers each character what they internally seek, and Hans also tends to repeat what the characters say to him back to them. Towards the end, after he reveals his true nature to Anna, he steps away and looks at himself in the window, another nod to the mirror theory.

Ben covers those reasons and more in far greater detail in the video, which you can watch above, and make sure to check out more of their great work on their YouTube page.

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