The episode opens with Ojo dragging Dorothy to see West. As Ojo throws her onto the floor, West asks if she’s a good witch or a bad witch.
Jack and Princess Langwidere head into the Emerald City to see the Wizard for an unknown reason. Langwidere comments that the Wizard must want something, because he’s pulling out all the stops for their arrival.
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Eamonn brings Lucas and Sylvie to his home. Eamonn says that Lucas used to be his soldier and he wants to help clear Lucas’s name. Unfortunately, Eamonn passes out before he can elaborate further.
It turns out that Ojo betrayed Dorothy to free his wife from the Prison of the Abject. After Ojo leaves, West calls in Tip with a tray before confronting Dorothy again. Tip recognizes Dorothy but she doesn’t say anything. West finds Dorothy’s gun and tries to shoot Dorothy in the head, but she accidentally leaves the gun’s clip out so nothing happens. Enraged, West pistolwhips Dorothy in the face.

The Wizard asks Langwidere and her father to build weapons to fight the Beast Forever. The Wizard asks Anna to explain the signs, but Langwidere realizes that the Wizard’s other counselers disagree with her.
West tells Glinda via magic that she’s found East’s killer. She then calls Tip to berate her for a bit, before calling a servant in to dump her chamberpot. When the servant walks into where Dorothy is being held, Dorothy tries to drag a piece of glass (a remnant of something West threw at her earlier) with her foot, but the servant catches her. The servant steps on Dorothy’s foot, causing the piece of glass to break and cut her.
Sylvie wakes Lucas up and tells him that Dorothy’s inside the city.
West grabs Dorothy with her magic and starts to torture her to find out why Dorothy killed her sister, but all West discovers is that Dorothy didn’t know her mother. When West drops Dorothy on the floor, East’s gloves appear on Dorothy’s hands. West tries to pull the gloves off, but she instead lights up with magic as the gloves resist.
The Wizard asks Langwidere’s father to name his price for his weapons, so the king asks the Wizard to bring his dog back to life. The Wizard realizes Langwidere is actually ruling Ev and confronts her. He asks Langwidere for help, but Langwidere refuses because the Wizard didn’t save her kingdom (or her mother) the last time the Beast Forever came. Langwidere says she wants to see the Emerald City burn and the Wizard drown, both of which will happen when the Beast returns.
Dorothy asks Tip for help, but Tip says that she’s a girl because of her. Tip claims that Dorothy helping her was the worst thing she could do, so she walks away. Later, Tip returns with a second prisoner: West disguised as Dorothy’s mother. West pulls memories out of Dorothy’s head and realizes that East was trying to warn West about Glinda.
Langwidere tells Jack to come with him to a festival in the city, but Jack assumes that Langwidere just wants to mock him some more. Langwidere claims that she bought Jack to be her friend, but Jack says that’s not how friendship works. Langwidere asks Jack to go to the festival again, only this time a little bit nicer.
The Wizard’s doctor treats Eamonn and pulls the bullet out of his shoulder. The Wizard recognizes the buller and realizes that there’s someone from Earth in Oz.
Tip gives Dorothy her bag and says that she doesn’t want to be responsible for anyone else’s death. However, West’s other servant confronts the pair with a sword.
Glinda arrives at West’s brothel. West implies that she knows that Glinda had some sort of meeting with East before they walk into Dorothy’s room. However, Dorothy has escaped and left the servant with her hand caught in the sewer drain. The servant claims that Tip helped Dorothy escaped, but Tip says that she was preparing tea all morning. West kills the servant and tosses her down the sewer.
Jack and Langwidere visit the festival and Jack asks why Langwidere wears a mask. Langwidere replies that she’ll tell him when they’re friends.
The Wizard shows Anna the bullet and says that it can be used to kill the Beast Forever.
A group of soldiers corner Lucas, but he kills all of them but one. The surviving guard claims that he knew Lucas before he lost his magic and that he killed ten soldiers while guarding a mysterious box. Lucas surrenders and asks Sylvie not to do magic before he leaves.
A group of thugs corner Langwidere and Jack, but Jack fights back using his metal body. Langwidere kisses Jack after the fight.
The soldiers bring Lucas to Eamonn, who confesses to killing all those soldiers.
West sees drone footage showing Glinda and East fighting on the day East died. After West returns to the brothel, she tells Ojo she won’t be releasing his wife.
Toto finds Sylvie in the streets, as Dorothy sneaks into the Wizard’s palace. She finds the Wizard listening to Pink Floyd in his room and pulls her gun on him. However, when Dorothy asks the Wizard about her mother, the Wizard realizes who she is and tells Dorothy that she’s come home.