
Caitlyn Jenner Reveals Details Of Her Living As Bruce And Sneaking Out Dressed As A Woman

New details from Caitlyn Jenner’s memoir have surfaced, and the 67-year-old opened up about life […]

New details from Caitlyn Jenner’s memoir have surfaced, and the 67-year-old opened up about life before transitioning and even sneaking out of the house wearing dresses before undergoing gender reassignment surgery.

There is nothing more freeing than being true to yourself #SecretsOfMyLife

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While still living as Bruce, the former Olympian revealed that during a trip to Nashville, Tennessee, she dressed up as a woman and went out in public. Caitlyn chose to go to a movie by herself and encountered a difficult situation when using the restroom.

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“I left the theater afterward and had to go to the bathroom. I doubt that for anyone else there it was a complex decision — you have to go, so you go. For me it was, ‘Oh my God, now what am I going to do?’” Caitlyn said.

“I had actually used the women’s room before during previous outings. Like everything else I had a particular routine: I would wait outside to make sure no one else was entering. That way I could go in by myself and use the stall farthest away from the door. If somebody came in I would wait until she left. Then I would get the hell out of there.”

While her “routine” usually worked, Caitlyn says that her experience was different during this particular day in Nashville.

“The line for the women’s room was lengthy that day. There was no way I was going to wait. So I scuttled back to the hotel as quickly as I could and made it up to my room. I am still feeling good about myself when I get back. Nobody suspected anything. But I have an early flight tomorrow, which means Bruce will be back, rise and shine.”


Before transitioning into Caitlyn, Jennerย explained that living as Bruce felt like she was betraying her true identity.

“They don’t know that underneath the business suit I am wearing panties and a bra,” Jennerย wrote in the memoir. “That I am not Bruce Jenner but a woman I will come to call Caitlyn, who still has to be Bruce except for stolen moments where I can be my authentic self. The speech that I give is called ‘Finding the Champion Within’. All bulls**t.”

Now that Caitlynย has undergone gender reassignment surgery, she admitted to snatching makeup from her famous daughters and the Kardashian women.

“I have [also] stolen makeupโ€ฆnot only from Kris but the rest of K-troop, because — trust me on this — there is more makeup per user in our home than any in history,” Caitlynย said. “I have bought makeup how-to-books. I keep the books, along with my meager collection of clothing, in a small closet with a lock inย backย of my own closet.”

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