
Alexis Arquette’s Former Lover Sold Sex Tape To Porn Company Who Then Destroyed It

A former boyfriend of late transgender rights activist, Alexis Arquette, sold a sex tape of […]

A former boyfriend of late transgender rights activist, Alexis Arquette, sold a sex tape of Arquette to a porn company the day after she passed away. xHampster.com bought the tape for $25,000 and completely destroyed every copy so as not to “smear her memory.”

The transgender actress passed away at 47-years-old due to AIDS-related complications on Sunday. The very next day, a former boyfriend of hers started to auction off a sex tape that is thought to have been made around two years ago. It’s clear that he had hoped to cash in on Arquette’s death.

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alexis arquette
(Photo: Twitter / @Variety)

Little did he know that the website that purchased the tape, xHamster.com would eventually destroy the video. Sure, they paid a pretty penny for it, but the site decided that obliterating every single copy of the tape was more important than the cash.

“Ms. Arquette was an icon and activist in the Trans community and we could not see someone smear her memory the way the selling party was trying to do,” said xHamster spokesperson Alex Hawkins. “We acquired the tape and subsequently destroyed all copies of it. We hope people will remember Ms. Arquette for the activist that she was and that her memory will continue to live on.”

Arquette was born in 1969 as Robert, but decided to transition in 2006 to Alexis. She then became one of the world’s most famous transgender women and paved the way for others. Her high profile campaigning for the LGBTQ community is what she is known best for, other than her roles in films such as The Wedding Singer and Pulp Fiction.

[H/T Daily Mail]