This Might Be The Most Nerve-racking Wedding Proposal Ever

During Tuesday's game between the New York Yankees and the Boston Red Sox, one fan had plans of [...]

During Tuesday's game between the New York Yankees and the Boston Red Sox, one fan had plans of making a romantic propsal to his girlfriend at the stadium. However, there was one huge problem...when he got down on one knee, the poor guy realized he lost the ring.

At the stadium, any fan can pay $100 to propose to their significant other on screen. Seems like a low price, but that's the risk you take when you could possibly have 54,000 fans laughing at you like this dude.

Unfortunately, while the videoboard at the stadium cut away to save the guy some embarrassment, ESPN did not. It was too late, the cameras caught the entire ordeal and now the man will be forced to re-live this cringeworthy screwup over and over again.

Kenny Ducey, an MLB writer for Sports Illustrated, tweeted about the incident: "A guy tried to propose on the Yankee Stadium scoreboard. He opened the box. There was no ring. They cut away. The crowd laughed."

The MLB also shared the story by tweeting out a video with the caption: "Because every proposal story includes searching for the ring."

Here's the story as told by the happy couple:

At the end of the day, some helpful fans eventually found the ring, and then she said "yes." So, congratulations to the happy couple!

What do you think was going through this clumsy man's mind when he realized he lost the ring?