This 33-Foot Anaconda Is A Never-ending Nightmare

This giant snake is the living embodiment of a nightmare. The 33-foot-long anaconda was located by [...]

This giant snake is the living embodiment of a nightmare. The 33-foot-long anaconda was located by a group of petrified builders near a construction site in Brazil. The reptile weighs in at a massive 882 pounds, and its body measures in at 1 meter (39 inches) in diameter.

The enormous cold-blooded creature was found after the construction workers conducted a controlled explosion in the Cave of Altamira in the norhtern state of Para, according to the New York Post. One of the crew members at the scene captured the horrifying footage on video after making the builders made the startling discovery.

The workers chained the anaconda to a crane, and lifted it up to show off the animal's humongous size and yellow-spotted underbelly.

After posting the video, some viewers believed that the explosion was the cause of the snake's death. Others also made the claims that the workers went out of their way to kill the snake as opposed to leaving it in its natural habitat. However, this has not yet been confirmed.

Because the snake's head appears rather flat in the video, some believe that the reptile died in the explosion after being struck on the head by falling debris.

One Youtube commenter wrote: "I'm not sure this is real, but if it is, shame on these people for killing it! A snake that big has probably been alive for a very long time now, just to be killed for a few pictures? What a waste."

Another person wrote: "Human be like 'oh look a giant rare snake and it maybe the last species on this earth, so lets kill it and show it to the world'."

In the Guinness Book of World Records, the longest snake in captivity is a 25 foot 2 inch long snake named Medusa that is held in Kansas City, Missouri. This anaconda easily dwarfs Medusa in size.

Is this the biggest snake you've ever seen or heard of?

[H/T New York Post]