Charlie Quintana, Drummer for Cracker and Social Distortion, Dies at 56

Former Social Distortion and Cracker drummer Charlie Quintana has passed away at the age of [...]

Former Social Distortion and Cracker drummer Charlie Quintana has passed away at the age of 56.

Quintana death was revealed through numerous social media memorials that began to surface on March 13 and 14.

Cracker, who Quintana played with from 1996 to 1995, tweeted, "Charlie 'Chalo' Quintana has passed away. One of the greatest drummers of all time. A true test of a drummers ability is a slow song. No one could ever match him on this. It was an honor to have recorded this and so many other songs with him."

Johnny Hickman, Cracker's lead guitarist, shared a photo of the band from when Quintana had joined, and included a personal note.

"Virgin Records publicity shot for The Golden Age. Thought bubbles above heads: Lowery + Hickman...'Yeah yeah, we have shiny shirts and s—, thanks label wardrobe geeks.' Quintana and Rupe....'We're bored....f— this, let's go play rock music,'" he wrote.

Another one of Quintana's former bandmates, Tim Scott "Ledfoot" McConnell form The Havalinas also made a statement on his fallen friend, saying, "There is such a thing as magic...Charlie was that....his playing could bring you to thankful tears...just to be making music with him....we were kindred musical souls...but I will miss his knowing smile even more than his drumming."

Guitarist Chris Lawrence, who once toured with Quintana when they both played for Social Distortion singer Mike Ness during one of his solo tours, took to Facebook to share a memorial message of the drummer.

"In 1998 I recorded guitar and pedal steel on Mike Ness's first solo album. In 1999 we spent the entire year touring the US and parts of Canada to support that album as well as recording a second album. Charlie Quintana was the drummer on that tour and on the second album. He was one of THE most amazing drummers I have ever worked with, as good as it gets," Lawrence wrote.

He also called Quintana "a fuel injected turbocharged powerhouse with the timing of a nuclear clock," and added, "We spent many evenings after our shows at a hotel bar or one of our rooms enjoying a few (or more) drinks and exchanging tall tales and sharing our life stories."

"Charlie was as charming as he was difficult at times, a complicated and often conflicted man for sure. But behind all of that I saw him as a guy who was proud and passionate about his art and his life," Lawrence concluded. "His passing is not right, he has left this realm far too soon."