
Meghan Trainor Opens up About New Way of Helping Young Musicians (Exclusive)

Meghan Trainor is all about helping younger generations of musicians get their big break and one […]

Meghan Trainor is all about helping younger generations of musicians get their big break and one way she’s shinning the light on future stars is with M&M’s. recently caught up with the 27-year-old global star who talked about a new M&M’s flavor is helping discover some talented musicians.

“M&M’s Mix is what they’re calling it and they have three different flavors all in one bag,” Trainor told PopCulture exclusively. “So it’s a fun bag. It’s Milk Chocolate, Peanut Butter, Peanut M&M’s; my faves, all in one bag and the way they’re celebrating, bringing the different flavors together is to bring different people together and different musicians together, which is so smart and so cool and why I definitely had to be a part of it.”

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To celebrate the new flavor, M&M’s virtually joined three musicians from three different cities to create a unique version of the song “The Candy Man.” The three musicians are Carly Ann Calbero from Seattle, Jeremy Jones from Los Angeles and Sung Lee from New York City. Additionally, fans can submit their own video and rendition of the song by using the hashtag “my candy man remix” and M&M’s will feature their best ones on their social media channels.

“I was so impressed and I was like, how come I don’t know who these artists are?” Trainor said while talking about their three musicians. “They’re like, ‘They’re upcoming musicians.’ And I was like, ‘Oh duh, this is the best thing ever for them.’ So I’m sure they’re stoked. They’re on cloud nine right now, and it was funny because I was hearing that they’re going to submit videos of their own and they’ll pick winners and I was like, will they win? And they’re like, “no, there’s just the actual video.” So, I was very proud and I can’t wait to connect with them.”

While Trainor is spreading the word about M&Ms and future stars in the music industry, she is working on her own music career. Trainor did reveal that new music from her is coming, but she is also writing songs for other artists.

“I have two more albums with my label. So, that’s going to definitely happen,” Trainor said. I’m excited about it. That’s like, fun and easy and I’m glad I still have their support for two more albums. Hopefully more someday. But I’m a songwriter first, so I’m just writing as many songs as I can and hopefully other artists will cut them. I would love to write for more artists, and in the meantime steal some of those songs for my own projects.”