Two Teens Admit To Killing Dinner Lady And Her Daughter

WARNING: Graphic content.A teenage couple has admitted to killing a dinner lady and her [...]

WARNING: Graphic content.

A teenage couple has admitted to killing a dinner lady and her 13-year-old daughter in April of this year.

The two 15-year-olds, who cannot be named, stabbed 49-year-old Elizabeth and 13-year-old Katie Edwards in the throat while they were sleeping.

(Photo: Metro UK)

The duo plotted the crime at McDonald's, then went over to the Edwards' house. They stabbed them in the voice box to prevent them from screaming, according to Metro UK.

Katie Edwards, was also smothered with a pillow in addition to the stabbing. After blood splattered on the walls of the bedroom, the teenagers wrapped the 13-year-old girl in a blanket because the female murderer "did not like the smell of blood."

The teenagers then went home to have a bath together to get rid of the blood, and proceeded to watch Twilight. Thirty-six hours later, the duo was arrested.

At the time of the murders, the teenagers were 14 years old.

The boy has admitted to murder but the girl has pleaded guilty to manslaughter. The girl will be facing trial after she pleaded not guilty to murder.

Here's how prosecutor Peter Joyce detailed the horrifying case: "[The boy] went into Elizabeth's room and stabbed her in the throat. He pinned her down on the bed by kneeling astride her. [The girl] was able to hear Elizabeth's struggling and gurgling sounds while the killing took place."

He clarified: "Our case is that [the girl] together with [the boy] planned and carried out cold, calculated, and callous killings."

Joyce concluded regarding the girl, "Afterwards she has shown not a hint of remorse and our case is that she is as guilty as [the boy] of the murders."

The trial continues.

[H/T Metro UK]