The Skinny on Sunscreen: Myths vs. Facts

It’s that time of year when everyone is having fun in the sun. Of course you want to protect [...]

It's that time of year when everyone is having fun in the sun. Of course you want to protect your family and yourself from the harmful rays of the sun, but there's so much information floating around about sunscreen that it's hard to know what's best. Here's the skinny on the sun from the Skin Cancer Foundation so you can have a safe, fun summer!

mother and son beach

Myth: Applying SPF 50 once protects you all day.

Fact: Actually, SPF only protects against UVB rays (rays that cause the burn). You still need to protect your skin from UVA rays, which are just as damaging to your skin in the long run. Look for broad spectrum sunscreens to protect from both UVA and UVB rays this summer. To learn more about how sunscreen protects your skin from the sun, click here.

(Photo: Stacy Silvera)

Myth: Some sunscreens cause cancer.

Fact: As long as you use sunscreen properly, there are no harmful effects; just use as directed! It's much more harmful for you to go without sunscreen.

(Photo: Newly L.A.)

Myth: The sun can't burn your skin on a cloudy day.

Fact: It can. In fact, 80% of the sun's rays can permeate the clouds, so make sure that you're sunscreened up and ready to go, even when you think you won't need protection.

Skinny Mom tip: When shopping for sunscreen, look for the Skin Cancer Foundation Seal of Recommendation. The Skin Cancer Foundation distinguishes the best sunscreens on the market to help you protect your loved ones.