You Won't Believe This Woman's Body Transformation After 7 Years of CrossFit

And here's transformation #2 for the day... May 2009 vs May 2017. Tomorrow marks 7 years of doing [...]

We've seen some incredible before-and-after photos over the years, but this one is in a category all its own. Atlanta-based CrossFit enthusiast Emily Bridgers posted an Instagram pic comparing her body before she began her fitness journey in 2009 to her current photo.

While seven years is a long window for such a change, Bridgers used this opportunity to encourage others who may still be seeking out quick-fix fitness programs. "This is for anyone who thinks they can't change their life...," she began. "It didn't happen over night. There was no magic pill. It took consistency and hard work."

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The difference between the two images is profound, but even more inspiring is her second post: an updated side-by-side picture that shows her progress from February to the end of May this year.

While many of us might've said "good enough" when we reached Bridgers' level of fitness, this post shows that she has no signs of stopping and she's committed to continuing to reach her goals.

While Bridgers now competes regionally, she admits that she still had a lot to learn. "Going into my 7th regionals, this has been a year of lower volume, higher intensity, less anxiety, better breathing, more sleep, better recovery, and improved nutrition," she captioned. "It's been about listening to my body, listening and learning from others, and optimizing all the things that are in my control!"

Her emphasis on recovery and full-body health is admirable in a time when so many women get swept up in the aesthetics of fitness without truly caring for themselves inside and out.

A former college gymnast, Bridgers lost control of her health after a back injury. Though she had to make some major lifestyle changes to become the success story she is today, it was all worth it.

"I eat far more now than I did in the picture on the left. I drink a lot less alcohol. A lot less! I'm proud to be much healthier and fit at 29 than I was at 22," she explains.

One thing is clear: her long-term commitment to her health and fitness has yielded incredible results.


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