Kid Rock Issues Statement After Slamming Oprah Winfrey, Joy Behar at His Nashville Restaurant

Kid Rock is speaking out after he was reportedly removed from his own Nashville restaurant, after [...]

Kid Rock is speaking out after he was reportedly removed from his own Nashville restaurant, after going on a tirade against Oprah Winfrey and Joy Behar, as well as Kathie Lee Gifford, while allegedly drunk at his Big A–– Honky Tonk Rock N' Roll Steakhouse. A video surfaced of the singer, whose real name is Robert James Ritchie, saying NSFW comments about the female celebrities, which Rock is now trying to explain.

"My people tried to get me to do The Oprah Winfrey Show years ago and her people wanted me to write down 5 reasons why I loved her and her show… I said f–– that and her. End of story," Ritchie began in a statement posted on his Facebook page. "I am just saying what a lot of people think. Not saying I should be, but sometimes I just do. Oh well. I have a big mouth and drink too much sometimes, shocker! I also work hard and do a ton to help others out but that's just back page news because the press hates I love Trump, f–– them too. I am what I am, I ain't what I ain't!"

"And you haters and internet trolls can check my touring numbers and shut your ignorant a––es up! Boom!" he continued. "PSS I did not get removed from MY OWN BAR (fake news) if anything I was leaving and the cops were helping me out…Hey, at least I don't drink and drive!! ... Was it racist when I said 'F––Joy Behar??? and by the way... I love Kathie Lee Gifford."

Fans were mixed after Rock posted the statement, with some praising him for speaking his mind, while others asking him to stick to making music.

"This is great," one person wrote. "I love that you don't pull any punches in the way that you truly feel. And how a lot of us out here feel also! Our kind of guy!!"

"I love your music but wish you would not be so political," wrote one fan. "I'm nice to everyone and try to be kind. If you want to be so opinionated you have the right but later on when you get older you might regret some of your actions."

"You do a lot of good for many people, but there is a classy way of saying you're not a fan of someone," said another person. "You have grandkids that look up to you, they should be taught kindness and tolerance. Still a fan just disappointing."

This isn't the first time Rock has made headlines for speaking his mind. Earlier this year, the 48-year-old spoke out on social media against Taylor Swift, claiming she was a Democrat to advance her acting career.

"Taylor Swift wants to be a Democrat because she wants to be in movies….period," he wrote at the time. "And it looks like she will suck the door knob off Hollyweird to get there. Oldest move in the book. Good luck girl."

Photo Credit: Getty / Mike Brooks / DAL / Voice Media Group