After sharing with fans that she was getting a pair of tattoos removed, Jana Kramer has debuted some new ink, showing off her new addition in a post on Instagram on Thursday. The country singer shared a two-photo post that started with a snap of Kramer with her two kids, 5-year-old daughter Jolie and 2-year-old son Jace, the second photo a close-up of the new tattoo, which was on Kramer’s forearm.
The new ink is a simple script that features both of Kramer’s children’s names together, and she told fans in her caption, “Movie bound!!!!!! Heading to CTโฆwhere should I take the kids?!? Also swipe right to see my new tattoo for kiddos.” Kramer told fans in June that she was getting multiple tattoos removed, documenting the process on her Instagram Story. “What I’m getting removed is obviously the anniversary and then I am also getting the birth date removed because I’m gonna do a Jolie and Jace tattoo in a new area,” she shared in one clip as a doctor prepped the tattoos on the inside of her bicep to be removed. “I’m gonna dedicate a new area to Jolie and Jace, I’m excited.”
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The Michigan native has stayed candid with fans since filing for divorce from Caussin in April after almost six years of marriage, revealing on her Whine Down podcast this week that her estranged husband has had “so much resentment” since their split earlier this year.
“It’s definitely hard and it’s one of those things where sometimes the process with us has been really challenging because there is that betrayal,” she said after guest host Dorinda Medley noted that she thinks a breakup is more difficult when there’s been a betrayal. When Kramer filed for divorce, she cited “inappropriate marital conduct, irreconcilable differences and adultery” as reasons for the split in her filing.
“He has so much resentment and I’m like, ‘Wait a minute, you’re the one who hurt me,’” the 37-year-old said of her ex. “‘How are you being mean to me? This doesn’t add up to me.’” Kramer told Medley, “Help me understand that because I’m just losing my mind.” She added, “There’s a million mean things I can say to [Mike] but I’m choosing to be kind and walking through this.”