Beloved actor Garry Chalk, known for Transformers and G.I. Joe, shared a heartbreaking diagnosis ahead of the holidays. He took to his Facebook on Dec. 4 to say that he’s been dealing with some “health issues over the last few months,” and he hasn’t had the energy to update his social media as much. Additionally, he stopped doing Cameos and dropped most of his social media. While he appeared in the Hallmark film Confessions of a Christmas Letter, he “started to get really tired” afterwards.
He’s been canceling convention appearances and told fans he’d be updating when he has a firm diagnosis. News came via a YouTube video on Dec. 20 from Primal Parodies, with Chalk performing “Jingle Wars,” a parody of “Jingle Bells.” In the description for the video, it was revealed that Chalk has Stage 4 Hodgkin’s Lymphoma.
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“It’s very treatable and he is under the best care with the best team and his amazing wife right beside him,” per the description. “If you can, please spare a moment this holiday season to send him and his family positive vibes, prayers, healing, strength, light and love. The journey so far has been very emotional, but I know he will beat this. He is, otherwise, in great health which is a huge advantage for him and he’s very strong. Garry always portrays himself as a powerful force, always willing to help others and he’s so generous, so it’s hard to imagine him being incapacitated by this illness. My biggest holiday wish is for him to get better and to defeat this horrible disease so he can back to doing the things he loves; his music, reading, golfing, cooking, conventions, and above all, helping others.”
Garry Chalk is best known as the voice of Optimus Prime in the English dubs of numerous Transformers shows, as well as Lieutenant Stone in G.I. Jone Extreme. He also lent numerous voices to G.I. Joe: A Real American Hero, with other voice credits including several Barbie films, My Little Pony, and Sabrina, the Animated Series, as well as Beast Machines: Transformers and Beast Wars: Transformers as Optimus Primal. He’s had a long career that’s seen him act on the big and small screens, most recently also appearing in Reba McEntire’s 2023 Lifetime film The Hammer and the 2022 thriller Exile.
According to the “Jingle Wars” video, Chalk has “taken himself off Cameo until he feels better. Please refrain from asking him for videos, interviews and autographs at this time. Thank you. In addition, convention appearances have been cancelled for at least the next seven months.”