Prince Albert Slams Meghan Markle and Prince Harry's Oprah Interview

Another royal is weighing in following Prince Harry and Meghan Markle's bombshell interview with [...]

Another royal is weighing in following Prince Harry and Meghan Markle's bombshell interview with Oprah Winfrey. In an interview with BBC World News on Thursday, Prince Albert II of Monaco criticized the couple's "public display of dissatisfaction," stating that while he understands where they may be coming from, the 90-minute interview was "inappropriate."

Speaking with BBC's Yalda Hakim, Albert acknowledged that "it's very difficult to be in someone's place." Although he said he "can understand the pressure that they were under," the royal believes such conversations "should be held within the intimate quarters of the family." He said conversations like the one Harry and Markle had with Winfrey don't "really have to be laid out in the public sphere like that."

"It did bother me a little bit. I can understand where they're coming from in a certain way, but I think it wasn't the appropriate forum to be able to have these kinds of discussions," he said, later going on to address Harry specifically and his departure from the British royal family. "I wish him the best. It's a difficult world there, and I hope that he can have the judgment and wisdom to make the right choices."

The couple's all-encompassing interview led to damaging allegations against the royal family, including claims that at least one member raised "concerns and conversations" regarding the skin tone of their son Archie prior to his birth. Harry also said he was cut off financially in early 2020 and the couple said their son was not going to be permitted security privileges. Markle also revealed that she suffered from suicidal thoughts while in the U.K., but her attempts to reach out to the institution for help went unanswered, as the institution told her there was nothing they could do for her.

In the wake of the interview, Queen Elizabeth, in a statement released via Buckingham Palace, said the family "is saddened to learn the full extent of how challenging the last few years have been" for the couple. Her Majesty added that "the issues raised, particularly that of race, are concerning," noting that "some recollections may vary" before confirming that they "will be addressed by the family privately." According to recent reports, but not publicly confirmed by the Palace itself, the Palace is undertaking a review of its diversity policies, with the Queen reportedly set to appoint a diversity tsar to modernize the Monarchy. The review, according to insiders, was already in place before the interview.

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