Jon Gosselin Reveals His Kids Never Reached out to Him After COVID-19 Hospital Stay

Jon Gosselin says none of his kids living with his ex Kate Gosselin reached out to him during his [...]

Jon Gosselin says none of his kids living with his ex Kate Gosselin reached out to him during his coronavirus recovery. The DJ shared in an exclusive clip for Us Weekly of his conversation with Dr. Oz "I didn't hear from them." As for how many of his kids knew that he was in the hospital: "I think Hannah might have told Leah," he said.

Gosselin came down with COVID in January and was rushed to the hospital by his girlfriend Colleen Conrad's 21-year-old daughter Jordan after his fever spiked to 104.8. "I was in a wheelchair. I had to wait in the ER," he said of his hospital stay. "It was packed, like, the hospital was full and then they put me on a gurney and put me in the hallway in the waiting room, so I could get a temporary room."

"Then I just remember sleeping and it was just surreal," Jon said. "Like, 'What?' I didn't even realize why I was there until, like, three days later." Gosselin shares a set of 16-year-old sextuplets named Hannah, Collin, Aaden, Alexis, Leah and Joel, with Kate as well as 20-year-old twins Cara and Madelyn. Hannah and Collin have lived with Gosselin since 2018. The other kids reside with their mother, Kate.

Jon speculates the reason the kids haven't come to him during his recovery time could be due to some sort of "disconnect." "Whether it's parent alienation or … I can't really reach out to them and there's legalities," he said. The news comes just months after one of Gosselin's children, Collin, accused him of abuse, which led to an investigation by the Berks County Children & Youth Services in Pennsylvania. "I can't … go to where they move. It would be trespassing," he says, answering why he hasn't gone to them.

"Jon has never abused Collin," a rep for Jon later told InTouch in an update. "No charges have been filed against him and there's no ongoing Children & Youth Services investigation. Collin has endured severe trauma. Jon is a loving father who has worked hard to ensure that his son gets the support and help he needs."

Despite the allegations and his distance from his children, Gosselin still wants a relationship with his kids. "I guess my plight to them, or what I really want to say is, 'I love you, my door is always open, you're welcome anytime, there's no regrets or hard feelings or any of those negative things,'" Jon said. "'You can always come see me or come see Hannah and Collin.'"