
Daytime TV Host’s Alleged Stalker Arrested


A San Antonio man was arrested for allegedly stalking the co-host of a local morning show earlier this month. Joel Flores was arrested and charged with stalking on Feb. 3 after allegedly showing up to the KABB studios uninvited to meet Daytime with Kimberly and Esteban co-host Kimberly Crawford. KABB is the Sinclair-owned Fox affiliate in San Antonio.

Flores, 58, allegedly visited the channel’s studio uninvited at least eight times in the past year, according to the arrest affidavit obtained by the San Antonio Current. Crawford told police Flores changed his appearance and vehicle at least times in recent months to try to meet her. In December, the suspect allegedly visited the KABB office where Crawford works twice. In one of those incidents, he allegedly dropped off tamales for her. He claimed to staff that he knew Crawford and that she wanted him to do a job there.

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Flores received a criminal trespass warning from police on Jan. 25 and was put under emergency detention after he went to KABB again. He allegedly told police he could contact Crawford “via the spirits” and claimed they were married, according to the arrest affidavit. Flores was released on $15,000 bail on Feb. 21, according to Bexar County court records. He is now awaiting arraignment.

Crawford’s co-host, Esteban Solis, found himself in legal trouble earlier this month. He was arrested on Feb. 3 for suspicion of driving while intoxicated after police responded to an accident just after midnight, according to court records, reports WOAI. This was Solis’ second DWI offense, according to Bexar County records. Solis was missing from the Feb. 3 Daytime broadcast.

A second DWI offense is a Class A Misdemeanor in Texas, notes My San Antonio. Solis could face a maximum fine of $6,000 and a maximum jail sentence of 12 months. A conviction is permanent and requires at least a three-day jail sentence, even if the defendant gets probation. The suspension of the defendant’s driver’s license is also required.

Celebrities are often the victims of stalkers. In January, singer Kelly Clarkson was granted a five-year restraining order against Huguette Nicole Young. She allegedly started stalking Clarkson when the singer lived in Nashville and continued doing so after Clarkson moved to Los Angeles. Young allegedly violated the terms of previous restraining orders 12 times. She was charged with one count of stalking, four counts of violating a protective order, and one count of trespassing, reports TMZ. She pleaded not guilty, with her bail set at $26,000.