Marvel Studios‘ upcoming ensemble film Avengers: Doomsday has added another familiar face to its roster, with Chris Evans joining the cast in an undisclosed role, according to The Wrap. The announcement follows months of speculation about original Avengers cast members returning to the franchise. Evans’ casting comes after Robert Downey Jr.‘s surprising revelation at San Diego Comic-Con that he would appear in the film as Victor Von Doom, a dramatic shift from his iconic Tony Stark role.
As Variety reported in November 2023, amid discussions of superhero fatigue and declining box office returns, “Sources say there have been talks to bring back the original gang for an ‘Avengers’ movie.” The recent announcements of both Downey Jr. and Evans appear to validate these earlier rumors.
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The nature of Evans’ role remains unclear. The actor has previously appeared in the Marvel universe both as Steve Rogers/Captain America and, earlier, as Johnny Storm/Human Torch in Fox’s Fantastic Four films. His recent cameo as Storm in Deadpool & Wolverine sparked speculation about which character he might portray, though Joseph Quinn has already been cast as the MCU’s new Human Torch alongside Pedro Pascal, Vanessa Kirby and Ebon Moss-Bachrach in the upcoming Fantastic Four reboot.
Evans’ return to the franchise adds another layer of intrigue to the project, particularly since his character, Steve Rogers, received a definitive conclusion in Avengers: Endgame. In that film, Rogers chose to remain in the past with Peggy Carter after completing his mission to return the Infinity Stones to their original timelines. With Anthony Mackie confirmed to be billed as Captain America in the new film, following his transition from Falcon in Captain America: Brave New World, Evans’ role becomes even more mysterious.
The timing of Evans’ return is particularly significant for Marvel Studios. Following the Jonathan Majors controversy and underwhelming reception to recent releases like Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quantumania and The Marvels, the studio appears to be leveraging familiar faces to reinvigorate audience interest. Evans himself has previously claimed there are “more stories to tell” for his character, though both Avengers: Endgame and early episodes of The Falcon and The Winter Soldier have given Rogers what many consider a fitting conclusion.
Evans’ Marvel journey began in 2005 with his breakout role as Johnny Storm, which transformed him from a rising star of teen comedies and independent dramas to a sought-after box office draw. He reprised the role in 2007’s Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer before taking on the mantle of Steve Rogers/Captain America in 2011. He went on to lead five Marvel films and make cameos in four others before his emotional departure in Endgame.
Avengers: Doomsday, scheduled for release on May 1, 2026, will feature an ensemble cast including the new Fantastic Four team and multiple generations of Marvel heroes. A sequel, Avengers: Secret Wars, is set to follow in May 2027.