Tommy Lee and his son Brandon Lee have been engaged in a very heated feud going on for almost five months now, with no end in sight apparently.
The entire thing seemed to come out of nowhere too, with no word of tension between the father and son having been reported prior to the initial altercation.
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For those who have been following the feud but are a bit lost on some of the details, we have you covered.
Scroll down for a timeline of when the Tommy Lee/Brandon Lee beef began, where it’s at now, and what all happened in between.
Tommy Claims Brandon Punched Him

The feud began in early March, with Tommy posting a photo of himself with a swollen lip on Instagram, alluding to the idea that Brandon was responsible.
“My heart is broken,” Lee wrote. “You can give your kids everything they could ever want in their entire lives and they can still turn against you. Good job Brandon! Great son!”
Brandon Claims Self-Defense
Brandon eventually confirmedย that he did indeed punch his father, but stated that it was in self-defense.
It was later reported that Brandon was defending his mother โ Tommy’s ex Pamela Anderson โ after his father made some disparaging comments about her on Twitter during a war of words with TV personalityย Piers Morgan.
“Think she’d find something new to discuss instead of rehashing old sโ but I guess she has nothing else going on & needs attention,” Tommy tweeted, frustratedย about some things Anderson said about him during an interview with the talkย show host. “Signed, ‘The Abuser’ (who she texts everyday & asks for me back).”
“I suggest you don’t interview her. Are you that desperate for people to interview? She literally has NOTHING going on so she brings up old drama for attention. I’m sure there’s some people better worth your time,” he later added. “Lovely to hear from you too ha.”
Brandon claimed that he was defending his mother after Tommy’s public comments and that, while intoxicated, Tommy attemptedย to start a fight so the 21-year-old was allegedly forced to defend himself.
Tommy Lee’s Fiance Alleges Brandon Has a Gun

Tommy’s fiancรฉย โ actressย Brittany Furlanย โ reportedly called 911 during the bloodyย altercation, telling the dispatcher that Brandon was in possession of a gun.
“My stepson and my fiancรฉย got into a fight, and he pushed his father, and then he tried โ he asked his son to leave and he wouldn’t leave, and then he punched him,” Furlanย said on the call to 911.
The dispatcher then asked if Brandon had any weapons.ย “My stepson has guns in his room, that’s why I’m freak out,” Furlanย replied. “I just locked the door.”
Regarding Tommy’s condition at the time, Furlanย explained to the dispatcher thatย he was “still unconscious.”
“He punched him really hard, he punched him, like, in the face and he went flying backwards,” she then added.
Tommy Threatens to Press Charges
The incident ultimately prompted a police investigation of potentialย assault and battery charges againstย Brandon.
A few days after the fight, Tommy claimed that he was planning to press charges against Brandon.
After being hospitalized for injuries he sustained, Tommy did file a police report and law enforcementย officers confirmedย that his injuries were consistent with a physical altercation.
Tommy Realeases Full Statement

Eventually, Tommy provided a full statementย regarding the incident, saying that “this whole situation has become so depressing and out of control.”
My heart was broken when my son punched me,” Tommy added. “Should I have posted it on social media? Probably not. But I couldn’t believe that he was not apologizing or responding to my messages, and didn’t care that he knocked me unconscious and filmed my unconscious body laughing. This isn’t what I want for anyone.”
Tommy then went more in-depth about the incident and what led up to it.
“All I wanted from my son was an apology. And my heart is so broken that he would lie about the whole situation. He came in the room angry and my response to Pamela’s (Anderson) relentless press about our old relationship, with his dukes up, telling me to get up and fight him. When I stood up he pushed me into a wall. I didn’t want to hit my son. I never have and I never will. If I wanted to clock him I would have knocked him on his ass. He had no problem knocking me out. I asked him to leave and he spun around and suckered punched me. Knocked me unconscious,” Lee explained.
He came to admit that he tends to drink “more than the average Joe,” but asserted that alcohol was not a factor in the altercation.
“I want them to learn what it takes to take care of yourself. My alleged ‘alcoholism’ has nothing to do with this. I’ve been in therapy and working on myself, my fiance is the one who got me into therapy!” Tommyย stated, then going on to conclude his statement, “I love my boys, I will always love my boys, I just want them to learn that you cannot hurt people without repercussion.”
Pamela Anderson Steps In
Anderson finally stepped in a few days after the incident had been reported, defending her son and calling Tommyย a “disaster spinning out of control.”
“I have complete faith in Brandon and his team to resolve this unfortunate and sad situation regarding his father,” Anderson wrote in a statement posted toย her website. “I pray Tommy gets the help he needs. His actions are desperate and humiliating – He is a disaster spinning out of control and he is not acting like a father.”
She went on to chide Tommy for his alleged alcoholism, saying that she was not interested in communicating with him until he was sober.
“He is sick. The definition of narcissist/sociopath- His fiancรฉ keeps him drunk – this is what he wants – someone to behave badly with,” Anderson said of Tommy.
“It’s terrible and unfortunately he has made this private matter very public,” she added. “I have always tried only to set record straight. Trying to paint him as not a bad guy.”
“Just one who is human and made mistakes – He still cannot handle the guilt about his abusive behavior and has never taken responsibility for what he has done,” Anderson also said. “Let’s hope this will be his saving grace. I can only pray for him and protect my sons, who also fiercely protect me.”
“Believe me. [Brandon] punched him in the nose for all of us who he has hurt. Now Tommy feels humiliated – and is attempting to destroy his own son,” the former Baywatch star concluded. “This is the Devil – This is the disease of alcoholism.”
Tommy Backtracks, D.A. Refuses Charges

While he initially threatened to press charges, and even supportedย the D.A. takingย a case against Brandon, Tommy eventually had a change of heartย and refused to cooperate with the investigation.
It was reported that due to Tommy going silent on the details of the case, the D.A. office opted to reject prosecution.
Brandon Mocks Tommy on Father’s Day
For a little over two months there was mostly silence regarding the relationship between the two, and then came Father’s Day 2018.
Tommy posted a photo of himself with his father and included a lengthy caption.
“Happy Father’s Day fellas! I’m not gonna sit here and post some fluffed up bullsโ for the public to read…. I’m gonna be honest- Being a father ain’t easy! I’m so tired of the fake sโ I keep seeing all over IG… let’s get real: It’s a rollercoaster ok? My father taught me to respect everyone and everything and to take care of those that I loved,” Tommy wrote. “He taught me to appreciate my possessions, and to be grateful for the things I was given.”

“I’ve fโed up at times but I’ve always bounced back. When I had a child, my first child, I wanted to instill those same virtues into him. Sometimes I feel like I failed as a father, because my kids don’t know the value of things,” he added. “If they break something, they don’t care because they know they’ll just get a new one, if they hurt someone, they don’t care because so many people tell them it’s OK.”
“I never wanted this for my kids. I know I’m not fully to blame, because their mom has a lot to do with it, enabling bad behavior and buying them things when they weren’t good, but I guess I hoped at the end of the day they would end up kind. I love them dearly, don’t get me wrong, but man, sometimes it’s really tough to watch your kids grow up without those morals,” Tommy’s message concluded. “Nothing can really prepare you for fatherhood …. I love my boys but they can be assholes too…and that’s the truth (Cue Honest Guy music).”
Shortly thereafter, Brandon posted a comment that slammed the musician.
“Remember what happened last time you said this sโ? … You gotta show up to be a Dad big guy. If you think we’re so bad (which I can assure you we are not) then you should have showed up to a few more BDays and baseball games,” Brandon wrote. “Someone like you couldn’t raise a man like me. I’m twice the man you’ll ever be.
“Once again painting our family in a negative light,” he added. “Who the fโ are you? Just move on dude … WE ALL HAVE. Or I’ll put you right back to fโin sleep.”
Brandon then took to his own Instagramย page to post a video of Tommy lying unconsciousย on the floor, which he later deleted.
Brandon Attempts to Squash Beef, Tommy Escalates It

The day after Father’s Day, Brandon posted a note on his Instagramย page, seemingly in an attemptย to end the feudย between him and his father.
“Tommy. If you want to bad mouth me, do it [to] my face,” Brandon said in the note. “You post something for the world to see, saying that I’m a bad kid and my mom is a bad mother, what do you expect? Seriously, who’s the fkn adult here? How would you even know if I’m a bad kid, you’re not even around enough to know what kind of a person I am.”
“I understand that your feelings must be hurt still about how things went down,” he went on to say. “But please stop posting all of this on social media, it’s making us all act like kids. Let’s just drop it dude. You’re mad I didn’t say happy Father’s Day to you?? So what?!”

“My birthday was on June 5 motherfโer … I didn’t hear sโ from you… and I didn’t go telling the world what a let down you are,” Brandon concluded. “Come on man. It’s time to move on. Let’s keep this private.”
Tommy respondedย to Brandon’s message by escalatingย the feudย with some heavy accusations.
“Rehab for son: $130,000, Party for son’s 21st birthday last year: $40,000,” the 55-year-old wrote in a Twitter post. “Medical Bills after son knocks his father unconscious and uses ‘alcoholism’ as scapegoat: $10,000, Son acting like a victim on social media on father’s day: Priceless.”
“I’m out [mic] drop!” Tommy concluded.
Rehab for son: $130,000
โ Tโmmy L33 (@MrTommyLand) June 19, 2018
Party for sonโs 21st birthday last year: $40,000
Medical Bills after son knocks his father unconscious and uses โalcoholismโ as scapegoat: $10,000
Son acting like a victim on social media on fatherโs day: Priceless
Iโm out ? drop!
Brandon has since deleted his “olive branch” message and does not appear to have respondedย any further. It is unknown if the two have privately resolved their issues.